- Refine results Found 97 results. 36551 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Nevada Skies - Weather Effects
Welcome to Nevada Skies 2281, the most up-to-date and advanced weather mod for Fallout: New Vegas on the Nexus.Besides 400+ weather types, Nevada Skies also features a wide range of functions allowing you to costumize it according to your liking.
- 119.3MB
- 110.6k
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Nevada Skies - Weather Effects
Welcome to Nevada Skies 2281, the most up-to-date and advanced weather mod for Fallout: New Vegas on the Nexus.Besides 400+ weather types, Nevada Skies also features a wide range of functions allowing you to costumize it according to your liking.
FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting
A complete weather overhaul for Fallout New Vegas and its DLCs with complete Tale of Two Wastelands support. Designed to make the game look more realistic. Improves lighting, weather, clouds, stars, moon and the overall look and feel of the wasteland, developed using reference desert photos and extensive testing
- 18.8MB
- 44.9k
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FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting
A complete weather overhaul for Fallout New Vegas and its DLCs with complete Tale of Two Wastelands support. Designed to make the game look more realistic. Improves lighting, weather, clouds, stars, moon and the overall look and feel of the wasteland, developed using reference desert photos and extensive testing
A massive mod that adds an all new story with hours of voiced dialogue, a new world, and multiple branching narrative paths. An Unofficial Prequel to New Vegas, launched from your Main Menu.
- 7.3GB
- 39.2k
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A massive mod that adds an all new story with hours of voiced dialogue, a new world, and multiple branching narrative paths. An Unofficial Prequel to New Vegas, launched from your Main Menu.
Fellout. Playing God and messing with weather since 2008!
The next generation of Enhanced Shaders for Fallout New Vegas, built on ENBseries technology. Cutting edge visual effects developed by Boris Voronstov, including ambient occlusion, indirect lighting, depth of field, sun shadows, sun rays and more, all configured and tested by tapioks. The most BALANCED and PLAYABLE ENBseries preset available.
- 1.1MB
- 23.6k
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The next generation of Enhanced Shaders for Fallout New Vegas, built on ENBseries technology. Cutting edge visual effects developed by Boris Voronstov, including ambient occlusion, indirect lighting, depth of field, sun shadows, sun rays and more, all configured and tested by tapioks. The most BALANCED and PLAYABLE ENBseries preset available.
Weather, lighting, visual effects and immersion features
A hardcore post-apocalyptic survival simulator.
Fallout: The Frontier is a gigantic DLC/New Game. As the “Courier” you start a new adventure centered around a conflict between the NCR and the Legion in the snow blasted remains of Portland Oregon. Featuring 3 major questlines, 60+ side quests, hundreds of new armours, weapons and items, and tens of thousands of lines of new voiced dialogue!
- 10.9GB
- 10.7k
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Fallout: The Frontier is a gigantic DLC/New Game. As the “Courier” you start a new adventure centered around a conflict between the NCR and the Legion in the snow blasted remains of Portland Oregon. Featuring 3 major questlines, 60+ side quests, hundreds of new armours, weapons and items, and tens of thousands of lines of new voiced dialogue!
DYNAVISION 3 - Total Visual Enhancement
DYNAVISION 3 is a visual overhaul mod that provides a dynamic depth-of-field and auto-focus effect similar to a camera and a host of other enhancements and effects such as film grain, lighting tweaks and mood filters, all customizable through a user friendly interface.
- 12.9MB
- 10.1k
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DYNAVISION 3 - Total Visual Enhancement
DYNAVISION 3 is a visual overhaul mod that provides a dynamic depth-of-field and auto-focus effect similar to a camera and a host of other enhancements and effects such as film grain, lighting tweaks and mood filters, all customizable through a user friendly interface.
Mojave Nights - a moon and stars replacer
Mojave Nights combines my Enhanced Night Sky mod with a brand-new, highly detailed moon replacement for complete night-time realism. See the desert stars and moon in their real glory! (Now with FOMOD installer)
- 8.5MB
- 9.5k
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Mojave Nights - a moon and stars replacer
Mojave Nights combines my Enhanced Night Sky mod with a brand-new, highly detailed moon replacement for complete night-time realism. See the desert stars and moon in their real glory! (Now with FOMOD installer)
Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW
An overhaul of the weathers in New Vegas with 360 panoramic cloud textures, improved lighting and DLC support. TTW version available.
- 397.4MB
- 8.4k
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Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW
An overhaul of the weathers in New Vegas with 360 panoramic cloud textures, improved lighting and DLC support. TTW version available.
Fixes moonlight, making the moon the light caster instead of the sun.Additionally fixes some other Sky related bugs.
- 204KB
- 7.8k
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Fixes moonlight, making the moon the light caster instead of the sun.Additionally fixes some other Sky related bugs.
A message from the future sets you on an irreversible path. What links your destiny with the planet Gallifrey? Find out now... in Fallout Who Vegas (requires NVSE - Latest Beta)
- 447.4MB
- 4.8k
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A message from the future sets you on an irreversible path. What links your destiny with the planet Gallifrey? Find out now... in Fallout Who Vegas (requires NVSE - Latest Beta)
Western Sky - Weather and Atmosphere
Towering clouds, purple mountains, bright sunsets.
- 6.9MB
- 4.8k
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Western Sky - Weather and Atmosphere
Towering clouds, purple mountains, bright sunsets.
Altitude - A Vanilla Plus Weather Mod
Vastly improves all the weathers in the game, without stepping on the toes of vanilla New Vegas's design too much.
- 24.0MB
- 4.4k
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Altitude - A Vanilla Plus Weather Mod
Vastly improves all the weathers in the game, without stepping on the toes of vanilla New Vegas's design too much.
.esp-free mod to apply dusty distance effects.
COBALT ENB and RUST ENB - TheHermit presents two ENB configurations fashioned after the fantastic and popular ENBs by Midhras & Kyo, aiming to bring a more stylized, CGI-type look to the Mojave. Both presets require the latest ENB Series binaries.
- 7.7MB
- 2.5k
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COBALT ENB and RUST ENB - TheHermit presents two ENB configurations fashioned after the fantastic and popular ENBs by Midhras & Kyo, aiming to bring a more stylized, CGI-type look to the Mojave. Both presets require the latest ENB Series binaries.
This is a personal ENB I\'ve been working on ready for public release.
Yellow Goodbye - A Clarity Based Tint Remover
Reduces/removes tints, while maintaining a mostly "Vanilla" - look.New: Now with time of day (high noon) - based color correction!
- 24KB
- 2.3k
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Yellow Goodbye - A Clarity Based Tint Remover
Reduces/removes tints, while maintaining a mostly "Vanilla" - look.New: Now with time of day (high noon) - based color correction!
Beautiful balanced bloom, HQ ambient occlusion, working night vision and a vast suite of optional features. Configured for the latest FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting.
- 8.6MB
- 1.8k
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Beautiful balanced bloom, HQ ambient occlusion, working night vision and a vast suite of optional features. Configured for the latest FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting.