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A collection of utilities related to both creating and using mods.
ELECTRO-CITY - Relighting the Wasteland
A group of Engineers from Hoover Dam subcontract electrical and lighting work bringing MORE LIGHTS to the MOJAVE. Compatible with URWL, Fellout, Empirical Weather, Lumenarium and Nevada Skies (with compatibility patch).
- 12.7MB
- 43.3k
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ELECTRO-CITY - Relighting the Wasteland
A group of Engineers from Hoover Dam subcontract electrical and lighting work bringing MORE LIGHTS to the MOJAVE. Compatible with URWL, Fellout, Empirical Weather, Lumenarium and Nevada Skies (with compatibility patch).
Construct your own wasteland fort and defend it from enemy raiders. Make your fort the safest place in the Mojave Wasteland!
- 8.1MB
- 13.8k
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Construct your own wasteland fort and defend it from enemy raiders. Make your fort the safest place in the Mojave Wasteland!
EXE - Effect teXtures Enhanced
Every last visual effect texture in FNV base game remade. This affects all visuals in a great way.
- 28.3MB
- 8.2k
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EXE - Effect teXtures Enhanced
Every last visual effect texture in FNV base game remade. This affects all visuals in a great way.
The second in the Factions Reloaded Series. New raider factions, bases, camps, sewers, and ambushes to fight through. Adds hundreds of NPCs to the Mojave, and hundreds more underground and in interiors. Screenshots and videos of this mod are needed!
- 205KB
- 6.2k
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The second in the Factions Reloaded Series. New raider factions, bases, camps, sewers, and ambushes to fight through. Adds hundreds of NPCs to the Mojave, and hundreds more underground and in interiors. Screenshots and videos of this mod are needed!
New Legion camps, fully voiced quests, merchants, events, and changes to the southeast portion of the Mojave. Makes the Legion a major presence in the game while remaining fully lore-friendly.
- 63.1MB
- 4.6k
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New Legion camps, fully voiced quests, merchants, events, and changes to the southeast portion of the Mojave. Makes the Legion a major presence in the game while remaining fully lore-friendly.
The combat uniform is added to the combination of low-rise pants and tank tops Body modification based Type6 (T6M) we use
- 3.1MB
- 4.2k
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The combat uniform is added to the combination of low-rise pants and tank tops Body modification based Type6 (T6M) we use
T6M Female Power Armor Replace NV
Replace the figure you T6M the Power Armor
Factions Reloaded - Followers of the Apocalypse
Third in the factions reloaded series. This mod adds lots of new quests, lots of which are voice acted and lip synched, a new town called New Dayglow, new fully-working merchants, a new faction called the marauders, over 50 new interiors and buildings, hundreds of new NPCs, and new camps devoted to expanding the Followers of the Apocalypse.
- 98.3MB
- 2.8k
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Factions Reloaded - Followers of the Apocalypse
Third in the factions reloaded series. This mod adds lots of new quests, lots of which are voice acted and lip synched, a new town called New Dayglow, new fully-working merchants, a new faction called the marauders, over 50 new interiors and buildings, hundreds of new NPCs, and new camps devoted to expanding the Followers of the Apocalypse.
Replace the figure will be added in T6M the Armor DLC Old World Blues
Replace in the T6M Body Armor is added in the DLC Dead Money
AsukaArmorMkIVinto the game
\"DollHouse\" to be added to the game Race Machine (Race dolls android) New equipment (AsukaArmorMkIII) New Weapons (Medigan) The new dungeon The new dwelling Quests are also present in the form of a scenario without
- 91.6MB
- 2.3k
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\"DollHouse\" to be added to the game Race Machine (Race dolls android) New equipment (AsukaArmorMkIII) New Weapons (Medigan) The new dungeon The new dwelling Quests are also present in the form of a scenario without
Vault-boy to change her Asuka
This small mod allows player to keep their stuff (weapons, armors, food etc.) when brought to the Sierra Madre by father Elijah
- 1.5MB
- 2.0k
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This small mod allows player to keep their stuff (weapons, armors, food etc.) when brought to the Sierra Madre by father Elijah
Mojave Reloaded (Factions Reloaded Series)
This mod adds diversity to your game while still retaining the same feel. It adds consequences to many quests, lots of new interiors, new NPCs for almost every faction in the game, expands weapon lists, and just generally helps make your game a more diverse and fun experience.
- 81KB
- 1.8k
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Mojave Reloaded (Factions Reloaded Series)
This mod adds diversity to your game while still retaining the same feel. It adds consequences to many quests, lots of new interiors, new NPCs for almost every faction in the game, expands weapon lists, and just generally helps make your game a more diverse and fun experience.
Many NPC equipped items T6M.
Unique items and place as the equipment was to T6MBody Replace Please look for location of the image relies on tips
- 10.0MB
- 1.5k
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Unique items and place as the equipment was to T6MBody Replace Please look for location of the image relies on tips