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About this mod

Quick changes to the three side quests Spectre of the Past, Smoke Signals, and Even Death May Die

Permissions and credits
Had some issues with my main Frontier edited mod so I'm separating it into different categories, NCR side quests, other side quests, Wrench as a companion, and miscellaneous.

This section is responsible for the following side quests.
1.      Spectre of the Past.  Created a quest marker to the Man in Strange Armor. Go to Council Crest park facility and the quest Track Signal will start.  This will then point you to the Man in strange armor so you can do quest Spectre of the Past without the hassle
of looking for him. 
2.      Smoke Signals: Figured out a way to fix the signal up the tower on your own to proceed.  With a repair skill of 100 you can make your own Gaileon Industries’ Sensor Module from the top of the satellite.  Also you now get Theo’s Power Armor no matter what choice (contact the enclave, make a new enclave, leave the enclave) you
3.      Even Death May Die:  Moved the Otherworldly Branch so the player can obtain it without the boss fight