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About this mod

Lets the player do all of the NCR side quests before starting the campaign.

Permissions and credits
Had some issues with my main Frontier edited mod so I'm separating it into different categories, NCR side quests, other side quests, Wrench as a companion, and miscellaneous.

This section is responsible for all of the NCR side quests, letting the player complete them beforehand so you can still do a legion or Crusader playthrough without missing anything. 

1.      NCR Side Quests: Biggest Fan and Big Bear Is Watching. Enables John Wayne so the player can complete the side quests withouthaving to wait until Chapter 3.
2.      NCR Side Quests: Home Sweet Home.  Enabled the missing poster outside the NCR Headquarters so you can do quest “Home Sweet Home” before ACT II
3.      NCR Side Quest: At the Hop.  Enables Lt.Gilmore at Camp Phoenix Terminal so you can begin the quest
4.      NCR Side Quests: Signal Interupted.  Made a hatch to the NCR hanger from the Headquarters so you can talk to Sarah Rosen and do quest Signal Interupted
5.      NCR Side Quests: Valkyrie.  Let's the player complete NCR sidequest without delay. During a normal playthrough you would have to wait until reading certain thresholds in the NCR playthrough.
6.      NCR Side Quests:  All Eyes on You.  Let's the player talk to the eyebots before beginning the NCR campaign.