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About this mod

Forces actors doing infinite pushups to stop doing pushups if they are in combat. Stupid fix for a Stupid "bug" (it's a feature)

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Have you ever encountered people doing pushups? Are they doing, like, a lot of pushups? Like they never seem to stop doing pushups? Have you ever tried to punch somebody doing a whole lot of pushups and they just sit there and take it while doing even more pushups just to flex on you? 


Now anybody doing a ton of pushups will realize "holy crap I could die if I don't stop doing these pushups (even though I'd look DAMN good doing it)." Only people doing so many pushups they continue doing it when you shut off the game will stop doing them though. Everybody else will finish their set like normal before reacting to combat. Plebes.

So Bethesda in their infinite wisdom, made it so if an Idle Animation is looping, it must finish looping before something else can play, like combat animations for example. Then they decided to make an endless looping pushup idle. So anybody looping pushups, will loop them forever until they are quite literally knocked out of the animation. Unfortunately, even though the idle marker is Furniture record, the furniture never gets "activated" so we can't just throw a script with an "OnActivate" block onto the furniture record and call it a day. Also the "OnStartCombat" event is a pile of hot garbage and just straight up doesn't fire sometimes, so we can't use that event either. So instead, I came up with a crappy solution that adds a handler for when the animation itself starts playing, checks every second if that actor is in combat, and if so then force stops the idle. Not a graceful solution, and people getting force stopped doing pushups decide they actually need to stand back up using the Michael Jackson lean, so it looks stupid but whatever dude, the entire thing is stupid.

What's that? You've never even encountered this? Well probably not because there's only like 2 places in Vanilla New Vegas, and like 6 places in TTW where this can even happen. So it's rare, and you probably don't need this mod because it does way too many checks for what it actually is trying to accomplish (you never know when you'll encounter people doing pushups til the heat death of the universe.... or until your power goes out, but when you eventually do. When you finally see somebody who has dedicated their entire existence to bench pressing the wasteland - even if it means certain death. You will remember this mod, and be like "oh yeah that dude was right this is really stupid"

Credit to the Uranium Fever users who encountered this bug
Credit to OrgasmicSneeze for the thumbnail and Banner
Credit to Michael Jackson for doing the lean
Credit to Bethesda for dumbass engine decisions