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About this mod

Expands the returns from the base-game Chemistry Set and OWB Deluxe Chemistry Set, and allows them to be reused after a few days. Timings and returns can be easily tweaked.

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This mod allows Chemistry Sets and Deluxe Chemistry Sets to be reused after a waiting period. Additionally, this mod brings several advantages:
* Several new return options are available from the Chemistry Sets
* Each of the return options is based on a LeveledList that can be easily changed
* The waiting time is controlled by global variables that, too, can be easily changed
* Chemistry Sets will show a message box that is somewhat specific about the time left to reuse (either “tomorrow”, “two days”, or just “later” availability)
* This makes use of functionality available through NVSE, including GetGameDaysPassed and IsModLoaded. These allow for seamlessly supporting TTW and reliably checking for the number of days passed.

One focus of this mod was reducing the payoff from using Chemistry Sets. I am using (and highly recommend) the mod No More Useless Chemistry Sets – ESPless by Redixes.
This mod was intended to complement that one. But, with so many Chemistry Sets that makes available, you can easily get flooded with Stimpaks and chems. This mod will help to somewhat mitigate that.

The standard Chemistry Set from the base game has a more standard selection. Choose one the following (available every 2 days):
* Stimpaks (2x)
* Fixer, Antivenom
* RadAway, Rad-X
* Mentats, Cateye
* Psycho, Slasher
* Buffout, Med-X
* Jet, Rebound

The Deluxe Chemistry Set from Old World Blues has an improved selection. Choose one of the following (available every day):
* Stimpaks (4x)
* RadAway, Rad-X, Antivenom
* Mentats, Cateye, Fixer
* Mentats: Grape, Berry, Orange
* Jet, Psycho, Slasher
* Buffout, Med-X, Rebound
* Turbo, Hydra

The “Leave it alone.” prompt is now the last option on these message boxes, to work around a bug I noticed with an interface mod that allows the Tab key to close menus.

* This requires the Old World Blues DLC. It would be technically possible to support just the base-game Chemistry Sets separately, but I didn’t see a realistic reason to separate base game and DLC support nowadays.
* Has built-in support for TTW. That was made a bit tricky by the different starting date than New Vegas usually has!
* This will conflict with anything that modifies the scripts controlling the Deluxe/Chemistry Sets, or their associated message records. Load this after any such mods.

Known Bugs:
* Very minor, but but selecting an option with multiple different returns (like RadAway and Rad-X) only shows the corner notification for the last one added. The player still receives everything, though.

This is just a plugin file, install it as normal with a mod manager.
This requires the usual NVSE prerequisites, including specifically the JIP LN NVSE Plugin.
This will likely only work with Chemistry Sets that have not yet been used.

I have done some testing to make sure this works on a limited scale. I would welcome any suggestions, and of course any bug reports if they come up.

* Obsidian/Bethesda, for the game.
* This was greatly inspired by the mod Chemistry Set Cooldown by elr0y7.
That mod is great. However, it is a few years old at this point and it has limitations.