About this mod
Adds customizable Boss Health Bars to spice up your boss fights in New Vegas or TTW. ESPless
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod essentially uses a list of EditorIDs for specific Boss Characters or creatures from its .ini file to set up Boss Health Bars using the HUD Bar functions from SUP NVSE during combat with those characters or creatures. The bars should have a nice look to them and the icon on the left of the bar will change depending on what boss you are in combat with. Each of the creature types will, for the most part, have an Icon made by myself (i.e. Animals & Mutated Animals, Feral Ghouls, SuperMutants, Abominations, Insects, and regular NPCs). The bars & event handlers should be flushed from HUDMain on load so this mod should be fine to be added/removed mid playthrough - and should be perfectly compatible whether or not TTW is installed (if you don't have TTW installed, the script will simply post "Could Not Find ActorRef" and skip the fallout 3 NPCs as it moves through the EditorIDs in the .ini and this is intended).
You can toggle the Boss Health Bars on or off by setting the "EnableBossBars" option in the [General] section of the .ini to 1
The [General] Section of the .ini will have multiple options:
- The EnableBossBars setting can be set to 1 to enable the Mod, set to 0 to disable
- The EnableBossIcons setting can be set to 1 to enable Unique Icons for Bosses, set to 0 to disable
- The BossBarSizeMult Setting will allow you to apply a multiplier to the size of the boss bar. Default is 1 (or 100% of default size essentially - set above 1 to increase size and set below 1 to decrease size. This setting cannot be negative)
- The BossBarPosShiftX Setting will allow you to shift the location of the Bars in your UI from left to right (Default position is centered, use positive numbers to shift bars to the right and vice versa)
- The BossBarPosShiftY Setting will allow you to shift the location of the Bars in your UI up and down (Default position is near the bottom of your screen, use positive numbers to shift downward and negative to shift upward)
The [BossAssignment] section of the .ini contains the list of editor IDs for each boss that will show a Boss Bar. There are hundreds of bosses covered here both from base game New Vegas and FO3 as well as many popular quest or enemy mods. See below for approximate list of the games/dlcs/mods currently covered:
- Base Game NV
- Base Game FO3 (for TTW)
- FO3 DLCs
- Extended Difficulty Encounters - TTW by Brandherre
- The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more
- A World of Pain for FO3 by RoyBatterian
- Sweet Pain DC by S6S
- A World of (Less) Pain - A Lore Friendly AWOP Revision by Qolore7
- Sweet Pain NV by S6S
- MoreMojave by Cheesehole
- Mojave Raiders by PushTheWinButton
- Dead Money Tweaks (DMT) by S6S
- Anchorage Gameplay Expansion (AGE) by S6S
- Point Lookout Reborn by Tevemaci
- Alton, IL - TTW by TheJanitorDave
- Wahington's Malevolence by TheJanitorDave
- Race To The Bottom by cgy95
- Havasu Blues by kungkobra
- New Vegas Bounties I LE by SomeGuy2000/RoyBatterian
- New Vegas Killer LE by Someguy2000/RoyBatterian
- Into The Deep by Oviver
- The High Desert by Th3Overseer
- Khan Initiation by Th3Overseer
- Eliza by Th3Overseer
- Headhunting by Th3Overseer
- The North Road by Th3Overseer
- Depths of Depravity by Th3Overseer
- Another Ghoul Variant Mod by Arccharger448
If you want to add a Boss that you think deserves a boss health bar, it is relatively easy to do so. First, you will need to find the EditorID of that Boss in xEdit. Then, you will need to add a line to the .ini file like so:
MyFavoriteBossEditorID=1; This is my favorite boss from another mod I like
Once the line is added, just boot up the game and check the console for any errors that say "Could Not Find ActorRef". If you do not see this error (which you could see if you input your Editor ID incorrectly), you have added the Boss successfully.
If you have an argument or suggestions on which bosses should be added/dropped from the default Boss Assignment list, please make your case respectfully in the comments
VIDEO EXAMPLE - https://youtu.be/5bPS3CBPOww?si=qLd_gTtH-_Edt0gB
It is possible the positioning of the UI elements could look a bit rough on different UIs in New Vegas and I had made this mod with VUIE and MUX installed, but it should look ok on a typical setup with VUI+ and other mods. If you notice a particularly bad conflict visually, please mention it in the comments. Other than this, I do not know of any other incompatibilities. If you notice something wrong with the bars themselves, please submit a bug report with as much detail as possible.
JohnnyGuitar NVSE
You will need to make SURE you have these requirements installed with your mod manager in order for this mod to work.
xNVSE Dev Team for xNVSE
Carxt for Johnny Guitar NVSE
JazzIsParis for JIP LN NVSE
TommInfinite for SUP NVSE