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This mod adds a modern recoil implementation that
primarily focuses on gunplay feel by prioritizing
user experience & being a fun challenge to master

Have you ever wanted a recoil in New Vegas that feels good?
Or a recoil actually fun to play with, and not just making you
fight it? Or, perhaps, natural enough so you stop noticing it?

Sounds contradictory, I know. How can we have a good recoil
we stop noticing, right? And yet, here we are. Because this is
exactly that kind of a recoil. At least that's what my friends
told me, they wouldn't lie, r-right?                          

This mod is an expansive, weapon-centric, and pattern-based
recoil system, that leans primarily into smooth experience and
has everything you'd ever want in recoil, not just as a player
but also as a content creator. Pattern-based nature of the mod
means you can make your weapons feel exactly the way you want,
unique and special, by giving you full control over recoil.   

Made with compatibility in mind, this mod utilizes multiple
fallback systems and advanced recoil autogeneration base layer
that is more than enough to cover all weapons by default.     

ESPless/Scriptrunner, because it's very fun & challenging!
Separated recoil: base, random hor/ver dispersion & noise.
Advanced auto-generation that adds recoil to all firearms.
  In other words - you don't need any patches/tweaks at all!
  It works out of the box, and it was scrupulously tested by
multiple gunfeel freaks like CovenantTurtle and Hitman
Pattern-based system*. Every single gun can have a pattern
  that controls the recoil per shot. Can draw d!**s with it.
  * Mod doesn't come with patterns, it's a feature primarily
aimed at mod authors.                                   
Pretty looking and very easy to use UI to create patterns.
Per-Caliber ini-based recoil for people interested in this
  kind of a system. Only for guns that do not have patterns,
to preserve unique feel those aim to deliver.           
Per-ammo ini-based mults! Want some ammo type kick harder,
  but keep the pattern? Or autogen recoil? Or, maybe, you're
  using a Caliber-based recoil for base ammo, and want other
  types of that Caliber get more / less punch without having
to add/tweak each ammo as a Caliber? This solves it!    
Well-tuned motion curves that deliver natural recoil feel.
Sophisticated recovery/return system, created specifically
  to be an extension of a recoil, without aiming impairment,
  by introducing smart retargeting, and post-recoil impulse.
True to RPG system of the game - all skills matter just as
  much as weapons stats. From SPECIAL to perks and limbs HP,
it's all taken into account when calculating recoil.    
First Shot Multiplier, so when you fire the gun - it kicks
  harder. Stats & SPECIALs based. To simulate lack of recoil
Framerate, time, and pixel perfect. Definitely the hardest
  feature to implement because game fought me at every step,
even some mods did. But my autism was stronger.         
Extra visual feedback: light touch of radial blur and dual
  vision. Just enough for your brain to register it, but not
  strong enough for you to notice it, unless you look for it
All features are extremely customizable via a config file.

Compact, as much as possible, list of what impacts recoil:
Weapon stats: damage, weight, spread, attachments
Attachments: damage, weight, in some cases spread
Weapon skills & stats requirements               
Ammo: weapon condition damage stat.              
Perks affecting skills & stats requirements      
Steady perk standalone. Configurable             
Hands health. Configurable                       
Aiming. Configurable                             
Crouching. Configurable                          
Wearing Power Armor. Configurable                
Pattern ini, if found. Overrides weap stats      
 ● Caliber ini, if found. Overrides weap & ammo stats
Ammo mult ini, if found. Overrides ammo stats    

For users: just install and play. Check Config\B42Recoil\Settings.ini file,
if you want to tweak things to your liking.                                
If there are weapons you wish to not have recoil (some energy weapons, eh?)
you can easily add them into the blacklist. Just create weapon EditorID ini
file (empty) inside Config\B42Recoil\Blacklist folder, and that's it.      

For mod authors and advanced users:

You can create your own recoil pattern for any weapon. As a matter of fact,
whole mod was built around this specific idea - to make every single weapon
feel special by creating unique patterns for them.                         

● To open the pattern editor menu, press Home + Enter                   
● To create new point on the pattern, double-click anywhere on the field
● To delete any point, right-click on it                                
● To move the point around, hold it with Left Mouse Button and drag     
● To make point snap while dragging, hold Spacebar                      
● To zoom in and out, use mouse wheel                                   
● To move field around - drag it with Left Mouse Button                 
● The rest (saving, sliders, etc) is self-explanatory                   

Target field is true to in-game world at 10 meters distance. All values for
points are given in degrees and reflect base recoil before it's modified by
by skills, stats, etc. Each cell on the grid is exactly 1 by 1 degree.     

Keep in mind when you save a pattern - only way to remove it is to manually
delete it, I can't do it via scripts at all.                               
Patterns are located inside Config\B42Recoil\Guns folder.                  

This is an alternative for those who want a powder-based "realistic" recoil
Calibers are a general solution, where each ammo has a set recoil strength.
Creating a caliber for the default ammo (first in ammo formlist), will make
other ammo types in that list inherit its recoil strength.                 

To add caliber, create an ini file with the ammo EditorID as a name, inside
Config\B42Recoil\Calibers folder. Inside the ini file, add these two lines:

You can create as many caliber files as you like.                          

Ammo multipliers:                                                        
Unlike Calibers, ammo multipliers' job is to adjust already existing recoil
regardless if it's autogenerated or comes from a pattern. But not calibers,
since they take priority over mults. Wouldn't make sense if they didn't.   

Creation process is the same as for caliber, but file goes into a different
folder Config\B42Recoil\AmmoMultipliers. And value used isn't strength, but
a multiplier (where 1 is default with no change)                           

Mixed Calibers x Ammo Multipliers use:                                   
You can save yourself some time by creating calibers only for default/first
in formlist ammo types, and multiplier files for the rest. That way you can
quickly iterate & test your changes one ammo per formlist, instead of every
single ammo in that formlist as a caliber. Quick example:                  
You create multipliers for any ammo types in AmmoList556mm formlist any way
you see fit. Then, you create a caliber for default/1st in list: Ammo556mm.
And you tweak only that caliber, getting consistent results for all ammo in
that list.                                                                 

xNVSE 6.3.9 or higher
kNVSE version 37 or higher
JIP LN NVSE version 57.30 or higher
ShowOff NVSE version 1.80 or higher
JohnnyGuitar NVSE version 5.11 or higher
UI Organizer Plugin version 2.30 or higher

Very highly recommended for any Espless/ScriptRunner mod:
Improved Console version 1.6 or higher

Install all required mods first, only then install this one.
Install with mod manager or manually. It's up to you really.
Uninstallation: repeat the exact same process but in reverse

Voidwalker, for fancy formulas that made this mod stand out!
Jazzisparis, Hitman47101, Demorome, CovenantTurtle, Kormakur
And everyone who keeps my sanity intact in these awful times

Bethesda, for the engine
Obsidian, for New Vegas

Armed Forces of Ukraine. For keeping me alive, and safe!

Слава Україні!