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  1. NoraCHUCHU
    • supporter
    • 60 kudos
    Hi, could I use this for my mod or add it as a requirement? n n
    1. Danneyo
      • supporter
      • 77 kudos
      Sure, just give credit to me for the original.
    2. NoraCHUCHU
      • supporter
      • 60 kudos
      Thank you so much!
  2. lrralex
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    It's funny that you make mods based on worst fallout media like Fallout BoS, Fallout 4 and Fallout series. But nevertheless you put much more effort than authors of media mentioned above lol. 
    1. terry225111111111
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Stop being a b&@*$
    2. NathanialHotep
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      How dare people enjoy different media than me!

      Genuinely shut the f*#@ up. 
    3. InfamousCocoa
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Average L take of a new vegas player. 
    4. Danneyo
      • supporter
      • 77 kudos
      I personally really liked the Fallout TV series. 4 I'm kind of meh on, but it has its moments. (Although the Synth armor is not one of those)

      Fallout BoS is pretty mid, and how overtly it sexualizes the women is uncomfortable, but it also has its moments. 

      It's all about perspective.
    5. dacn281006
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Its funny how this guy just gave the author of the mod a compliment and people here are just telling Im to stfu... lol.
    6. Danneyo
      • supporter
      • 77 kudos
      Honestly, while I appreciate compliments on my work, I don't want other creative people being put down in the process. I have a lot of respect for the people who worked on the Amazon show and Fallout 4. Hell, even the Brotherhood of Steel devs, who were royally shafted by the higher ups and had to make the best of their situation. Do I like everything these people have made, or agree with every choice for their respective projects? No, course not. But these people put a lot of time and effort into these projects and deserve respect for that.
  3. thebestnameever54
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    any potential of ttw patch making this a quest reward for helping zimmer or killing him could be interesting but that would be up to you. 
    1. Danneyo
      • supporter
      • 77 kudos
      I plan on doing that after I recreate the Courser outfit, since it seems more fitting for Armitage to be wearing that than regular patrol armor.
    2. thebestnameever54
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      honestly fair the courser armor does look a lot more inconspicuous. 
  4. Chedring
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Somehow, you made it look more fitting here than it does in 4. 
    Must be the literal fitting lol
  5. Peepee1284
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    now randomly add synth components to people
  6. Left4Dead1997
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Its make sense lore wise some synth could of traveled but were killed  thus leaving their armor.
    But a full invasion of the institute I think its to far for that.
  7. ProfMajkowski
    • premium
    • 221 kudos
    Hell yeah. Congrats on the release! Now we just need that companion. 👀
  8. Psydeffexclone
    • member
    • 43 kudos
    The Toilet Salesman's armor
  9. Badookum
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Toilet looking ass armor.
    1. Danneyo
      • supporter
      • 77 kudos
    2. zealotlee
      • premium
      • 194 kudos
      Finally I can live out my fantasy of being a toilet!
    3. Danneyo
      • supporter
      • 77 kudos
  10. zealotlee
    • premium
    • 194 kudos
    Instant download, been waiting on this one since you first showed it off!
    1. Danneyo
      • supporter
      • 77 kudos
      Very high praise coming from you! Hope it meets your expectations.