About this mod
10mm pistol got a face lift now its friends want to hang out with it.
- Requirements
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- Changelogs
Replaces the 10mm pistol with a newer custom made model and textures. Along with remaking the base 10mm included with the esp are even more 10mm pistols that were in Fallout 1, 2 and 4.
Why make this?
Originally I wanted to release this mod as an Aprils fool joke with all the 10mm pistols being replaced by fallout 4 one. However because I redesigned the F4 model (mostly because I do not like the weird slanted front), It no longer felt like much of a joke so I reworked it and actually remade the N99 pistol. Also fallout show came out so I made the Colt 6520... So now what was going to be a shitpost turned into a weapon pack.
Whats in this pack?
10mm Pistol -
This is a complete remake of the model while still staying pretty close to the original design. This will be replaced via a script and makes no in-game edits other then the unique variants that are included in the esp.
10mm Silenced Pistol -
This is one is only in the FNV esp and basically a silenced .22 pistol but way betterer. Its tad overpowered so this might need to be balanced changed at a later date.
10mm Combat Pistol (Fallout 4 10mm pistol) -
Sticks pretty close to the original design, however due to personal dislike of the originals slanted front I've changed it to something that I like. Other then that in the esp this is pretty close to the standard 10mm pistol, with the difference being effected by the grunt perk and have cheaper vats cost. This version also can't be silenced via a mod but rather has a larger durability then the standard version so its more of a personal preferences of what weapon you want to use either one that is more combat focused or a general/stealth one.
10mm Autoloading Pistol (Colt6520) -
This is meant as counter part to the 44 revolver and also being a sorta mid to endgame weapon for the 10mm ammo type. This is also affected by the cowboy perk though this might be subject to change. The downside to this weapon is that it has does less damage then that of the 44 revolver so it doesn't exactly make this weapon redundant.
Unique Guns -
There are 4 unique guns currently, the chromed, alloyed steel, enclave prototype and a very unfinished guns. For TTW these will replace some of the unique variant, while upgraded version can be found in the Mojave (same locations as the FNV version). While the FNV version these are scattered around the map so have fun and go find them.
All of these can all be found from either enemies, loot or bought from stores. For the unique guns, check the screenshots for hints on where to find them :) or cheat via looking in the geck/xedit...
How to install?
DOWNLOAD THE RESOURCES FIRST. If you have TTW installed download that, otherwise use the FNV one. Once downloaded just like any other mod, drop this into your MO of choice and it should be pretty self explanatory. You will also need to install NVAO to get very nice custom animations. You will also need ISControl by Xilandro otherwise your sights will be misaligned.
Whats next for this?
Weather pistol unique model, current model is just a placeholder.
Q - Do I need to make a patch for level lists?
A - No, everything is handled by a injector and should be fine...
Q - The 6520 model just looks like the F4 CC one?
A - Yup when you basically just copy a design it will look like the thing.
Q - Why make the F4 pistol look different?
A - I really do not like the slanted front end of the gun it looks weird, though in saying that maybe I should of just 1 to 1 remade it because now it kinda looks like a new gun...
Q - Does the cylinder spin on the 6520
A - The cylinder spins thanks to hitman :)
Q - Why is there a tunnel snakes pistol in my FNV >:(
A - Because Tunnels Snakes Rule
Me:), Bethesda for the designs, and also the original designer of the CC 6520. Also TPOl7uHKA for the cube map and panorama image. Also also Stentorious for what ever patch he ends up making. ALSO Balebandr0 for the updated weathered pistol script ALSO also also Revswagger as I his script he wrote for r91 and no friends has been a massive help with making this mod. And finally hitman47101for spinny 6520 animations.