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  1. GhostiNia
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Couple of questions...

    • What's the mod I need to play cards with my followers? I'm pretty sure I could find it on my own but it doesn't hurt to know what mod I should be adding.
    • Wdym by "can't make him sandbox" in image 20 about Boone? Is he bugged?
    Btw I love what you did to the place. It doesn't stray far from the og layout and cleans it up, and there's just enough space for me to decorate with my own stuff :D
    Also the exterior is such a nice touch, and the added companion functionality is my favorite part. It's just so nice to have my companions rest while im running around organizing all my containers. <3

    Edit: so for my game there are a few differences: the safe isn't aligned with the counter, and the door opens the same way it did before (in vanilla, smacking me in the face). Also, I'd suggest adding a pole for the bath curtain to hang on, it looks strange to me without it lol.
    1. GhostiNia
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So I got Boone to sit lol. Also the glitches worked itself out it seems!
    2. rinabean
      • member
      • 10 kudos

      Thank you for your nice comments! I kind of agree about the bath curtain, but none of the vanilla poles seemed to look good/reasonable there. Imagine that it's on fishwire for some bizarre reason :)

      The glitches you described were the vanilla values either being loaded by another mod on top of mine or being already present in your save. I'm glad they went away!
  2. thesfnz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love the work you've done but whats going on with the window ? it keeps slowly flashing and is mighty distracting 
    1. rinabean
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      It's the sunlight coming in, default effect. You know, I was going to say it looks realistic because it's coming through trees, but there aren't a lot of trees in Novac :) And not a lot of clouds in the sky, either. I'm sorry you find it distracting!
  3. polishedturd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is really good. Just another vote for removing the rads from the sink. Still an excellent little mod though.
  4. 1ckarbor
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Best house ever! Thanks RIna! there are so many novac overhauls out there but this is the only one that is really working for me.
    1. rinabean
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      :) I'm really glad you like it!
  5. Padaria2011
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    Man, I really liked your mod, lore-friendly, nothing too exaggerated, very realistic and pleasant. However, could you make a version without rads in the water? It's my favorite safe house, and would it be possible to add other furniture as containers? I've always wanted to use that cupboard in the corner.
    1. rinabean
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Thank you! :D

      I could put a rad-free sink easily enough (please don't tell me you specifically wanted to drink from the toilet, haha), but it's trickier with the containers. The original corner cupboard is usable and on the other side of the room - if you mean the chest of drawers I put in its place, I can't use a vanilla version that isn't full of Sierra Madre chips, which seems inappropriate. And I don't want to make a new version with its own contents. If you mean another one, please tell me :)
  6. Best Novac room overhaul not inmersion broken free Loot and pretty to look at btw is possible made the "non exterior changes" version keep the wood in the windows interior? looks off having them outsided but inside all the light come throw to the window
    1. rinabean
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Thank you! I'm glad you like it!

      I can maybe make an alternate version for you but I can't guarantee when. So, if you get bored of waiting for me, I think you should delete the deleted vanilla boards reference from the mod, delete all the curtains and curtain rods, and then in the geck rearrange the boards (if necessary), delete the daylight (to make sure you get the right one) and add a new light source to the sunset sarsaparilla lamp, otherwise it'll be totally dark on that side of the room