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MYRON BABY MYRON and someguy ofc

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About this mod

Tweaks I made effecting the location of Froshill In NVB3, I plan on tweaking more area's in future updates!

This also comes with a Marko Redesign.

Permissions and credits
Like most people, I love the NVB Series, it's one of the most well threaded and written pieces of side quest content in any RPG I have played to date (Unofficial or not.) But like most I got tired of the re-use of very familiar assets and a lot of the poor worldspace design. NVB3 Tweaks is the first in a series, (ig?) of small changes to the world space of someguys mods. This mod in particular is going to change some assets around frosthill, add signs and new objects etc, to make it feel much more lively in a sense. It will also re-deisgn Marko, because I want him to look cooler, simple as that.

Though I have been modding my fallout games since I popped out the womb, I am new to making my own mods and using the GECK in general so please be patient if you run into any problems while using any of my mods, and if you have any tips or advice that would be greatly appreciated!