About this mod
Taking the train to the Mojave for the first time does not automatically start the FNV main quest. Instead you arrive in Freeside and can start the main quest whenever you want.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
However, with this mod, you arrive in Freeside instead, and can opt to initiate the main quest at any time of your choosing (or not at all). References to the main quest remain disabled until you complete the quest "Ain't That a Kick in the Head." This means until you start the main quest, Victor remains in Goodsprings, there are no Great Khans in Boulder City, and Benny does not await you at the Tops.
To initiate the main quest, travel to Primm. Inside the Nash residence, you’ll find a “Mojave Express Job Board.” Once activated, you can decide whether you want to be a courier. If you choose to work for the Mojave Express, the intro video will play and you’ll find yourself waking up in Doc Mitchell’s house. From this point, you can proceed with the main quest as you would in a regular game.
By default, companions are dismissed when you start the main quest, but this can be disabled in the mod's .ini file.
This mod does not affect the DLCs. Regardless of whether you've started the main quest or not, the DLC's endslides will continue to reference the player as the "courier" and Ulysses will still address you as courier six. I strongly recommend installing Delay DLC Redux , as some DLCs in the vanilla game rely on the completion of "Ain't That a Kick in the Head" before they become available. With Delay DLC Redux installed, you should be able to start them at any time.
Patches are available for (TTW) Benny Humbles You and (Benny Humbles You) and Steals Your Stuff.
It should go without saying, but refrain from installing this mod if you've already journeyed to the Mojave and initiated the main quest. It should be safe to install mid-game if you have not yet taken the train to the Mojave.