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About this mod

Christmas Time at the Tops casino

Permissions and credits
Christmas Lights at the Tops casino
I got request to just make something Christmas related, and I thought this would be a pretty simple but fun way of doing that. Hope some modders enjoy this tiny edit and happy Christmas Nexus. and if you dont celebrate Christmas then its just RGB gaming Trees.

This is just an Asset Replacer, so no ESP and no requirements.

Manual installation - 
The mod files are setup so that the "data/" folder is the root. so just drag and drop that into the folder containing your fallout new Vegas executable  and then activate the ESP in "data files", archive invalidate, and the modification should be in your game

Mod manager installation - 
The mod files are structured correctly, so you are good to install with your mod manager.

Nexus mods
obsidian/bethesda - 
Blender nif extentsion
Geck extender