About this mod
Compilation of several First and Third person Animations of Spinning Lever-action Rifles, Fanning Revolvers and One-handed Aiming with a Sawed-off shotgun when using the Cowboy Perk,.highly customizable.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

Do you want to Fanning with your revolvers?

Do you want to Spin when using lever-action rifles?

Do you want to use your Sawed-off Shotguns with one hand when aiming?

And do you want to use your revolvers with one hand when aiming?

Then this mod is for you
💥 NEWS: VERSION 5.10! 💥
Hello my dear Couriers! This mod is a compilation of several First and Third person Animations of Fanning Revolvers, Spinning Lever-action Rifles, and One-handed Aiming with a Sawed-off shotgun and Revolvers.
With version 5.0 onwards, the mod allows you to do the following:
◾ Use it with Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3 or Tale of Two Wastelands ‼️
◾ Turn it on or off depending on the Cowboy Perk you have ‼️
◾ Set a minimum skill level in Guns ‼️
◾ Choose whether it activates only in combat, out of combat or at any time ‼️
◾ Adjust the percentage of chance that the animations will play ‼️
◾ Priority over other animation mods ‼️
◾ Option for assign a key to activate it manually ‼️
◾ Option for NPCs to activate animations by percentage ‼️
◾ Animation for VATS Mode without having to overwrite the aiming animations of Revolvers and Lever Action Rifles ‼️
◾ Animations for Power Armor ‼️
◾ Customize these options for each weapon individually You can configure all this in the INI files that the mod includes ‼️
* Of Version 5.0 *
* Of Version 1.0 *
If you like this mod, please endorse it.
It would be very helpful








- First person one handed attack animation for sawed off shotguns fixed in 5.8! -
I leave an example to explain it in detail:
fCowboyrepeaterKey=18 - Cowboy repeater
fLincolnsrepeaterKey=20 - Lincoln's repeater (Fallout 3)
f357MagnumrevolverKey=33 - 357 Magnum revolver
fPolicepistolKey=45 - Police pistol (Dead Money)
fPaulsonrevolverMZKey=18 - Paulson's revolver (Mothership Zeta)
bCowboyrepeaterCowboy=1 - Cowboy repeater
bLincolnsrepeaterCowboy=0 - Lincoln's repeater (Fallout 3)
b357MagnumrevolverCowboy=0 - 357 Magnum revolver
bPolicepistolCowboy=1 - Police pistol (Dead Money)
bPaulsonrevolverMZCowboy=1 - Paulson's revolver (Mothership Zeta)
bBigBoomerCowboy=0 - Big Boomer
fBigBoomerPercent=44 - Big Boomer
fCowboyrepeaterSkill=50 - Cowboy repeater
fLincolnsrepeaterSkill=23 - Lincoln's repeater (Fallout 3)
f357MagnumrevolverSkill=50 - 357 Magnum revolver
fPolicepistolSkill=50 - Police pistol (Dead Money)
fPaulsonrevolverMZSkill=0 - Paulson's revolver (Mothership Zeta)
fBigBoomerSkill=50 - Big Boomer
Don't worry, don't be afraid of all this text, it is not complicated to understand it. The INI file already explains what each option is for.
fCowboyrepeaterKey=18 - Cowboy repeater
fLincolnsrepeaterKey=20 - Lincoln's repeater (Fallout 3)
f357MagnumrevolverKey=33 - 357 Magnum revolver
fPolicepistolKey=45 - Police pistol (Dead Money)
fPaulsonrevolverMZKey=18 - Paulson's revolver (Mothership Zeta)
The [Key] option is used to choose which key to press to activate the animations when shooting.
By default it is the E key, which is the number 18 taking as reference the DirectX Scancodes on GECK Wiki page
In this case we can see that Cowboy repeater and Paulson's revolver use the default key, but the other weapons are different.
Lincoln's repeater uses key 20 (T), the .357 Magnum revolver uses key 33 (F) and the Police pistol uses key 45 (X).
bCowboyrepeaterCowboy=1 - Cowboy repeater
bLincolnsrepeaterCowboy=0 - Lincoln's repeater (Fallout 3)
b357MagnumrevolverCowboy=0 - 357 Magnum revolver
bPolicepistolCowboy=1 - Police pistol (Dead Money)
bPaulsonrevolverMZCowboy=1 - Paulson's revolver (Mothership Zeta)
bBigBoomerCowboy=0 - Big Boomer
The [Perk] option is the easiest to understand, if it is at 1 it means that they will be activated once you already have the Cowboy Perk and 0 means that you do not need the Perk.Default is 1
fBigBoomerPercent=44 - Big Boomer
I don't think there is much explanation for [Percentage].
Just in case: It is the percentage of probabilities for the animations to be activated, just that.
Yes bro, there is no magical or conspiracy explanation.
By default it is 100, but in this case the Big Boomer, as it is not activated with a key unlike the other weapons, has a 44% chance of being activated
fCowboyrepeaterSkill=50 - Cowboy repeater
fLincolnsrepeaterSkill=23 - Lincoln's repeater (Fallout 3)
f357MagnumrevolverSkill=50 - 357 Magnum revolver
fPolicepistolSkill=50 - Police pistol (Dead Money)
fPaulsonrevolverMZSkill=0 - Paulson's revolver (Mothership Zeta)
fBigBoomerSkill=50 - Big Boomer
[Skill] requires a minimum level in Guns to activate the animation
By Default it is 50, as in this case Cowboy repeater, .357 Magnum revolver, Police pistol and Big Boomer are configured that way.
But Paulson's revolver and Lincoln's repeater are activated in other levels of Guns
If you have any questions, comment in the POSTS tab ☝️🤓
For the moment they only include configurations for version 4.0
(Pending update to version 5.0)
Type II's Colt Revolvers ✔️
New Vegas Bounties I ✔️
Supplementary Weapons Pack ✔️
Couriers Weapons ✔️
New Vegas Bounties I LE ✔️
Soledad - Unique Lever Action Shotgun ✔️
Manifest Decimation - Colt Walker 1847 Custom Conversion ✔️
Colt1847Walker V.1.2.1 ✔️
Dreadnought ✔️
Type II's Western Rifles ✔️
.44 Colt Single Actions - High-level variation of the .357 Magnum ✔️
Dead Man's Hand ✔️
The Panzer Hound ✔️
Type II's Smith and Wesson Revolvers ✔️
Unique Lever Action Shotgun - Hellfire ✔️
🛠️Heart Eater Unique Sawn Off
🛠️ AWO Lend-Lease - Winchester 1895 (Trench Repeater)
🛠️ The Raging Bull
🛠️ VK's Commission Shares - Ranger Repeater Rifle
🛠️ VK's Twin Magnum M500 Custom revolvers
🛠️ Tammer's NIF-Bashed Weapons Mega-Pack
🛠️ Have Gun - Will Travel
🛠️ Fallout TV - The Ghoul's Handcannon
🛠️ The Widow Shotgun - FNV
🛠️ Prime Shotguns - The Terminus Line
🛠️ Colt SAA 357 and Ruger Blackhawk 44
🛠️ Marlin Thumper
🛠️ Another Millenia
🛠️ Ranger Denali Fixed - 12 Gauge Unique Lever Action Shotgun
🛠️ Cowboy Weapons Pack
🛠️ Clint Eastwood -Man With No Name- Pack
🛠️ Option to activate the Revolver and Lever-action rifle Animations only once when drawing.
🛠️ Option to increase the fire rate depending (or not) on the character's Agility level and/or the Quick Draw Perk.
🛠️ Option for AP cost for both Fanning and Spinning animations.

- The animations are not made by me, I just compiled them and made the mod -
ATTT Redux (Cowboy Holsters)
(Take a look to my other Mod! :D)
Add Holsters for Rifles and Revolvers, Compatible with Armed to the Teeth - REDUX.

Spaghetti Western Critical Sound FX
Replaces the crit sound effect with parts of the theme song from "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"
Spaghetti Western Ricochet Sounds for New Vegas
Replaces vanilla bullet whiz sounds with spaghetti western ricochets
Wild Cowboy Mode
With this mod you can upgrade the Cowboy Perk to be more Wild!
Enjoy it! :D