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About this mod

This mod makes explosive traps use explosives, survival, or science skills instead of repair, which is already super useful.

Permissions and credits
All traps simply disarm themselves immediately if you pass the check.
Traps can no longer be rearmed because doing so is an incredibly rare use case and I didn't want to bother with the scripting.
There is no longer a successful trap disarming message. You have eyes and ears, after all.
Each trap's skill requirement has been balanced based on how difficult I believe it would be to handle each trap.
The xp reward for disarming each trap has been changed to simply equal the amount of skill required to disarm them.
Bear traps now have their damage reduced properly by DT and DR.

  • Trapped toilet (who even came across these lol) skill check changed to Science 35.
  • Pressure plates require Survival 30.
  • Bear traps require Survival 40. They can also no longer be rearmed. This is relatively high for the most common non-mine trap in the game, but you can shoot them to disarm them or drop an item on them if you don't have the skill.
  • Tripwires require Survival 35.
  • Single shotgun traps require Survival 25.
  • Pitching machine traps require Survival 15 cause they're stupid and they don't matter.
  • Buried mines require Explosives 50.
  • Trapped mailboxes have been changed to Science 25 due to their antenna. They can also no longer be rearmed.
  • Grenade bouquets require Explosives 45.
  • Trapped terminals require Science 50. They can no longer be rearmed.
  • Baby carriages require Science 40.
  • The Lonesome Road laser tripwires didn't have a skill check in the first place, so I left them alone, other than reducing their XP reward to 25. 
  • TTW combat shotgun traps require Survival 45. They no longer grant MFC, cause that was always weird, and they fire four times if triggered.
Requirements:JIP LN, xNVSE, Johnny, the usual stuff.

Regular installation. If you find that some of these traits are not applying as detailed, move the esp lower in your load order.

I don't know of any mods that need patches. Feel free to mention any you know of, and if I like them, I may patch for them. 

Included in EDGE V7+

Under The Hood:
All checks simply use values I set manually in the scripts instead of referencing other script variables, cause I didn't wanna bother with that junk. As such, changes to the base game locations where XP values are stored for trap disarming will not do anything with this mod installed.

Why did you touch the traps that already used Explosives?
To have a cohesive set of modifications to traps that are tuned the way I want across the system, and to skip the disarming message.

Do whatever.

If you'd like to support my modding work or say thanks, feel free to donate via the Nexus or here at Ko-Fi.