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About this mod

Heatstroke - Wasteland Survival is a temperature-based add-on for Hardcore mode, with support for major weather and worldspace mods.

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Heatstroke - Wasteland Survival seeks to add extra depth to the game in the form of player temperature management, aiming to provide extra considerations to your gear and travel choices without entirely overwhelming the basic gameplay loop of the vanilla game.


Player temperature management
Compliments the vanilla Hardcore Mode
Support for major weather and worldspace mods

How It Works

When you are outside in clear weather (while not in a world on the Exclusion List), you will begin to warm up. After some time, you will reach the "Warm" status- being Warm lowers your Perception, slows your AP regeneration rate, and, in Hardcore Mode (which is strongly recommended), increases the rate at which the Dehydration need increases. If you remains Warm for too long, you will reach "Hot," which magnifies these debuffs and adds a debuff to your Endurance.

When you are outside in cloudy, rainy, or snowy weather, or are outside at night (and are not in a world on the Exclusion List), you will begin to cool off. Should you remain in these conditions for long, you will eventually reach the "Chilly" stage- being Chilly lowers your Agility, in addition to slowing your reload speed and increasing your weapon sway. If you remain chilly too long, you will reach "Cold," which magnifies these debuffs and also hits your Endurance.

Entering an interior will, over a short time, normalize your temperature back to comfortable. Swimming will cool you off quickly when hot, but staying submerged too long will lower your temperature below comfortable.

When Warm or Hot, drinking or otherwise lowering your Hardcore Mode H2O need while already well hydrated will lower your temperature one stage back towards comfortable. Similarly, drinking Black Coffee will raise your temperature back up towards comfortable by one stage if you are Chilly or Cold.

Being set on fire will instantly set your temperature to Hot.

The rate at which your temperature increases or decreases is dependent on a handful of factors:

  • Your armor's class. Light armor keeps you cool for longer, but offers little protection against the cold. Heavy armor will heat up faster, but keep you warm for longer. Medium armor is between the two. Power Armor is its own class, and is uniquely good at resisting the effects of the weather, but will eventually leave you warm or cold. For the sake of visual/effect continuity, armor is now detected by the armor's Sound Template, and armors which do not match based on this can be configured in the .JSON file described in the Configuration section below.

  • Hats. Wearing a hat keeps the sun off your head and/or your body heat in, so provides a very slight favorable adjustment to the rate of temperature change.

  • Time of day. Traveling around noon will heat you up quicker than other times of day (an advantage in the snow, but few other places.) Traveling very late at night will, similarly, cool you down faster.

Your current temperature status, if you have one, will be shown in the Pip-Boy Active Effects.


Use MO2. Please. Say it with me now: MO2! MO2! Or Vortex, I guess (that means MO2).



Heatstroke is built to be compatible with, but does not require: Tale of Two Wastelands, The Frontier, and other mods which add worldspaces using vanilla weathers and/or landscapes, such as New Vegas Bounties III or The North Road.

Desert Natural Weathers is the officially supported weather mod (as well as vanilla, obviously), but any weather mod which properly sets its trait flags will be compatible.


Heatstroke has a number of variables which can be configured in the .ini file, included global rate of increase, how much each armor tier protects from hot and cold, and the rate of temperature loss while swimming.

In addition to this, asorly wrote a .JSON which can be used to move armors which are not providing the appropriate warmth level for their appearance into the matching list. The included list has a handful of vanilla armors I noticed, but there may be others. Categories are "thin," "medium," "thick," and "power." The .JSON included in the archive can be added on to, or you can write new ones and put them in the same file and they should be read.

asorly, for writing the .JSON and associated script
PushTheWinButton, for giving me a script when I was lazy and bemoaning having to think for myself
Warhound545, for testing, feedback, and encouragement