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Author notes
All animations in Normal version are vanilla extract from game data. So I don't think you can use it in other games + earn Donation. Unless you craft new animation to ship with the mod, which I think it's OK. Titans of The New West 2.0's animations were crafted by Woooombat. Although he/she give a open permission. I decided to give a credit here.
File credits
Kormakur for kNVSE Animation Plugin jazzisparis and LuthienAnarion for JIP LN NVSE Plugin Woooombat for Titans of The New West 2.0's animations.
Donation Points system
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Version 1.7c
Retried TNW2.x version since TNW 2.1.20 already include its own option of underwater walking.
Nothing change on Vanilla version aside from version number change. Safe to Update from 1.5
Fix Typo in version for Titans of The New West 2.x. Should be safe to update when load a save in a cell without anyone wearing Power Armor. To make sure, make a clean save without this mod before updating.
Now offer Simple PA Faster Sinking Underwater for TNW2.1, if you dissatisfied with how TNW2.1 sinking works.
Version 1.7b
Both version are safe to update from 1.7a
Fixed wrong KNVSE condition which made all character walk underwater (again) for Titans of The New West 2.0 version.
Nothing change on Vanilla version aside from version number change. Safe to Update from 1.5
Version 1.7a
Nothing change on Vanilla version aside from version number change. Safe to Update from 1.5
Fix Typo in version for Titans of The New West 2.0. Should be safe to update when load a save in a cell without anyone wearing Power Armor. To make sure, make a clean save without this mod before updating.
Version 1.7
Change how list works for Vanilla version, so only one list will be use. So now KNVSE works for real. (I hate KNVSE json conditioning).
Nothing change on version for Titans of The New West 2.0 aside from version number change.
Safe to update from 1.5
Version 1.6a
Safe to update from 1.5
Fixed wrong KNVSE condition which made all character walk underwater (Sorry, finally found the cause).
Version 1.6
Add version for Titans of The New West 2.0
Change Script Runner to Run on Game Restart/Game Load/New Game
Version 1.5
Fixed non-PA movement condition in knvse json.
Version 1.4
Fixed NPC wearing power armor toggle player sprint.
Version 1.3
Add 3D Loaded check for NPC so it won't fire error when NPC with Power Armor hasn't load 3D yet.
Version 1.2a
Script Optimization. Also include one Script Runner I forgot
Version 1.2
Merge Normal and Beta Version into single file. No More Seperate Beta for Slow Underwater Walking. JohnnyGuitar now become permanent Requirement.
Rewrote the config section. Now Slow Underwater Walking can be config on or off regardless of lStewieAl's bRunSlowerInWater option. Although you should enable it if you have bRunSlowerInWater enable.
Speed Value will load from fWadingMovementMult value if lStewieAl's bRunSlowerInWater enable. Only test with fWadingMovementMult = 0.4.
Support Non-Power Armor that should act the same as Power Armor (NCR salvaged/TTW salvaged/Raider Power Armor from FO4 Power Armor)
Rewrote the script so it would work better on deep water bank. Fixed High Jump from water. Remove possibilty that character can't move due to setting UnderWater Speed limit too high.
Version 1.0a1
Remove Titans of The New West idle that I accidently included. (Also did the same for in 1.1Beta2.1)
Version 1.0a
Fix NPC Keep Beating Corpse (Also include in 1.1Beta2)
Change How mod read the config file (Already include in Beta)
Simple Power Armor Walking Underwater. Only Power Armor Walking Underwater, nothing else included.
What I did:
Extract Holstered Movement Animations + Power Armor idle Animation
Rename and Organize them to be the same as Swim Animations
Setup the folder & kNVSE json condition to make the game use this set of Animations only when wearing power armor.
Make a simple (not really) script to keep character to the underwater ground + fix idle Animation.
So, in reality, this mod doesn't make characters truly walk underwater, but make characters swim with walking animations, and characters won't floating in the water, while wearig Power Armor.
All animations are vanilla extract from game data. Requirement
Compatible with every Power Armor in "AllPowerArmor" FormList (or "TNWAllPowerArmor" FormList in Titans of The New West 2.x version). So any Custom Power Armor should add to that list for full support. If you have JAM - Just Assorted Mods or JVS - Just Vanilla Sprint installed, this mod will disable sprint underwater while wearing Power Armor.
Go to "meshes\characters\_male\locomotion" in the mod you want.
Copy file "pamtidle.kf" and rename it to "swimmtidle.kf"
Put that file into "meshes\characters\PAUnderwaterOverride\_male", replace existing one of this mod.
Titans of The New West 2.1.20 and newer version come with its own underwater walking option. So TNW 2.x version of this mod is retried and no longer support.
Slower Walking Under Water is Beta Function, may have a problem with mod that also mess with Speed Mult Actor Value
No, this mod didn't offer under water breathing function, hence the name "Simple Power Armor Walking Underwater". You need to solve breathing problem with other mods, which there are some of them already on the nexus. So I don't bother adding them to this mod. My recommendation: