Adds a small quest to Old World Blues which unlocks a Sierra Madre Vending Machine.
DLC requirements
DLC name
Dead Money
Old World Blues
Permissions and credits
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Author notes
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Now requires Dead Money to be completed before the quest starts. Can be reverted with a new ini setting. Note that you can still find the blueprint regardless of if the quest is in your pip-boy or not
Version 2.0
Complete reform of how you get the upgrade. Instead of simply being placed before dead money, you get it from a terminal at the Y-0 facility in Old World Blues. If you don't get it before completing Field Research, you get a new quest that directs you to it.
Adds a new quest "Earl Grey, Hot" which starts after completing the Dead Money DLC and after Old World Blues' Field Research quest (the last collection quest where you get jukebox upgrades and dried seeds) which directs you to the Y-0 terminal where you can download Sierra Madre Vending Machine blueprints. You present it to the Sink CIU to construct it and it gets placed right by the SS and Nuka vending machines in The Sink.
An ini option exists to make the quest not require Dead Money completion to start, if desired, although the blueprints can always be found regardless of the quest's active state.
Though not required, this mod was made to be consistent with an idea introduced in my Mothership Zeta Rehaul mod - blueprints you give to the Sink CIU. It’s very similar to the Teleporter blueprint from that mod.
Requirements: - Dead Money - Old World Blues
Compatible with Tale of Two Wastelands and Complete Player Home Upgrades, no patch needed.
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