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About this mod

Applies JSawyer Ultimate Edition (JSUE) changes to armors added by Van Graff Faction Overhaul.

Permissions and credits
Applies JSawyer Ultimate Edition (JSUE) changes to armors added by Van Graff Faction Overhaul.

Altered Apparel
* Van Graff Combat Armor (given object effect added by JSUE and adjusts stats, removes Quest Item flag.)
* NCR Salvaged Power Armor (returns to original texture.)
* Van Graff Beret (Added effect based on 1st Recon Beret and Beret. +5% Crit Chance and +1 Charisma.)
* Van Graff Salvaged Power Armor (adds Has Backpack flag and adjusts stats to match NCR Salvaged Power Armor.)
* Gloria's Outfit (changes object effect name from "Nightwear" to "Gloria's Outfit".)

Pushthewinbutton for creating JSawyer Ultimate Editon
Gildemer for creating Van Graff Faction Overhaul