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Applies JSawyer Ultimate Edition (JSUE) changes to armors added by Van Graff Faction Overhaul.
Altered Apparel * Van Graff Combat Armor (given object effect added by JSUE and adjusts stats, removes Quest Item flag.) * NCR Salvaged Power Armor (returns to original texture.) * Van Graff Beret (Added effect based on 1st Recon Beret and Beret. +5% Crit Chance and +1 Charisma.) * Van Graff Salvaged Power Armor (adds Has Backpack flag and adjusts stats to match NCR Salvaged Power Armor.) * Gloria's Outfit (changes object effect name from "Nightwear" to "Gloria's Outfit".)
Acknowledgements Pushthewinbutton for creating JSawyer Ultimate Editon Gildemer for creating Van Graff Faction Overhaul