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Frozen - Visualcore

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About this mod

Since there are very few loco anims at the moment, i decided to make an alternative to Asurah's loco with open permissions. Enjoy.

Permissions and credits

>>> ISControl Enabler <<<

For the best user experience, I advise you to install my loco over of Hit - Locomotion so that you have power armor and crippled anims

Basically, this loco was created for modders to use it in their animations, but as a usual user you can add these anims to the mods of other authors, but i don't guarantee full compatibility with Asurah's, Hitman's, Johnson's and Rockbiter's animations. However, I tried. If you really like the mod, please give it an endorsement. 
You can use these animations for any purpose, but please credit me as the original author. Thank you.

Credits and thanks:
Jonhsonn for his rigs, tutorials, feedback and troubleshooting
Sigerious for testing and the video
Rockbiter68 for feedback and general positivity
Xolerys for feedback
Audixas for feedback
Anirvana for feedback
And all the awesome people from NH Arms and FNV Anims servers.

Note for modders: in order for everything to look right, you must follow one simple rule: the priority of ##ISControl inside aimIS must be lower than 55, and the priority of ##ISControl inside AttackIS is higher. That is, for example, AimIS - 54, Loco (default) - 55, AttackIS - 56. You can choose any other priorities, the most important thing is to follow the rule: the lowest is aimIS, the medium is loco, the highest is attackIS.

Note for modders#2: I just checked Asurah's loco, looked at the priorities, how it looks in the game and came to the conclusion that pistols and rifles need different ISСontrol priorities. For example, for rifles, the good value is: AimIS - the lowest, AttackIS - medium, Loco - the highest; and for pistols: AimIS - the lowest, Loco - medium, AttackIS - the highest. For example, for rifles AimIS 54, AttackIS 55, Loco 56, and for pistols AimIS 54, Loco 55, AttackIS 56.

Note for modders#3: AimIS' ISControl - 54 or below, AttackIS' ISControl - 55.
This is the golden mean without bugs and weird twitches during the animation, which I deduced over a long time of use.

You can also make it higher than 55 (for example 56), but only if you are comfortable with a sharp blend between Attack and Aim, especially when moving sideways. I advise you to check it in the game. In general, 55 is fine, but in exceptional cases higher values looks better.
Love ya