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About this mod

SImple and customisable reduced food healing effects, to help balance Survival versus Medicine. Affects all items, including from other mods.

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Food Effect Tweaks


This is a very simple mod that allows you to customise the healing provided by food, to help balance it against the Medicine healing alternatives. It affects all items that are correctly labelled as food, from all mods, etc, etc

This works well with JSawyer Ultimate, since Sawyer had the enlightened idea to make Stimpaks both weaker and rarer, so food is pretty much the better choice all-round without this tweak. JSawyer Ultimate also labels some items as food that aren't in the vanilla game, but logically should be, such as the soda drinks and Them's Good Eatin' items.

You can customise food healing using the INI file included. The formula used when modifying healing is below for those that are interested (it's the same as Economy Overhaul's for value). By default, healing is reduced by a fairly substantial amount, so that should suit most people.


oldTotalHealing = oldMagnitude * oldDuration

newTotalHealing = baseHealing + healingMultiplier * (oldTotalHealing  - baseHealing)

newDuration = newTotalHealing / oldMagnitude

In the above formulas, both newTotalHealing and newDuration are rounded to the nearest integer.

There is also some 'fudging' of the results to produce nicer numbers if the magnitude of the effect is 1 and the duration is an odd number above 5 that isn't a multiple of 5. This is to prevent weird-looking numbers like +1(7s) or +1(13s), so you can edit the INI more freely without worrying about that happening.


This mod requires the following:

Standard installation procedure: add the file to your data folder and check in the game launcher or your mod manager of choice. Load wherever.


This mod can be safety uninstalled at any time and will have no permanent effects on your game. Just delete the file and you're good to go.


This mod detects and modifies all items marked as food, including items added by other mods.

My Mods

I spend a lot of time creating and supporting my mods, so any donations are gratefully received.