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  1. zzjay
    • premium
    • 3,033 kudos
    Added a ESP-less Version, which replicates all of the changes through the use of a NVSE script.
    The script also comes in a merged Version with my other Nuka Cola Mod, so chose the version that you prefer.

    Added a FOMOD installer where you can eaily install all these files, or download them separately from optional files.
    Please follow the instructions inside, and make sure you get the NVSE requirements if you plan on using the ESP-less version.
    Not all mod managers will display links.

    If you're also Using the Nuka Overhaul - NVSE Script, then you'll not need to install the NVSE - Merged script, but only the NVSE - Alcohol Bottles Script.

    Many thanks to ToddTellMeSweetLittleLies for making it

  2. zzjay
    • premium
    • 3,033 kudos

    Crash problem near this lake, has been fixed in 1.1
    this: is no longer necessary.
  3. WastelandSentinel
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    hey zzjay! i love your mods! thank you for the amazing work!! 

    Just wanted to clarify to be sure i understand this properly, i used the fomod main file, i selected the nuka imports merged patch option, does that mean i can delete/hide the esp from both the nuka imports mod and your nuka overhaul?
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      Yes, you can just use the "merged" version.
    2. WastelandSentinel
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      okay thank you 
  4. MrDaedra01
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    I found out via FNVEdit that TTW changes the scotch bottle model for some reason, so I renamed whiskeybottle02.nif to whiskeybottle03.nif and that fixed it
  5. Dzengrave
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Why are liquids not clear?)
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      because the engine cannot handle double transparencies. If the bottle is transparent and so is the liquit, it'll result invisible due to the game engine not rendering it.
    2. Nuke4Duke
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      if you seperate the liquid and bottle model in a modeling program you can bypass this
    3. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      they are separae, but liquids are well on both sides. which causes the problem of you seeing the other edge as a solid piece.
      so you see a transparent cilinder with edgesand all, raher than a liquid. plus artifacts when ttop and sides overlap eachother.
  6. Firebait28765
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Having a problem where Alcohol bottles overhaul and YUP are conflicting.
    Is there a patch for compatibility or is it just a matter of one or the other? 
    Using Vortex So trying not to mess up the load order. 
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      It doesnt really matter, it's just about name consistency.

      Vanilla had one bottle named in a weird way and weighing more than it should. both mods fi that. For onsistency i'd recommend giving priority to this mod, as the name of the bottle wil amtch the name ont he labels, but it's jut really about names xd

      You could also the NVSE version, whichincludes no plugin, and dynamically repaces model through NVSE plugin isted in description. don't ask how, but it just works
  7. script that replaces 02 - Nuka Cola Vanilla Edition - MERGED PATCH
    to save on plugins and patches
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      Does this include all the unique models and variations? (except the added drinks from Nuka imports, like nuka grape ETC...)

      Also please let me know if you'd like this uploaded to the main page, or just in comments. ir if you want to uplaiod it yourself as a mod.
      And what are the requirements of this scrit? only NVSE?
    2. it's 1:1 replica of that merged patch, doesn't include nuka imports
      you can host it on the main page
      only NVSE is requirement
      script version of Nuka Cola -> 04 - Vanilla Edition - Unique Models (those are already included in the above script of the merged patch ofc, this is for the Nuka Cola page)
    3. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      Thanks :)
    4. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      SO techically wouldn't it be better to have the scripts remain separate for the 2 mods?
      Or having 2 scripts somehow affects performance?
    5. Just checked on clean game, the script actually requires NVSE, JIP and JohnnyGuitar.
      You can have as many of these scripts as you want, they only run once when you start the game.
      You can just delete these lines from the first script and it will remove the unique nuka colas.

      rModelForm = MS05IceNukaCola
      SetModelPathEx "aaanuka\nukacola_Ice.nif" rModelForm
      rModelForm = RumNukaCola
      SetModelPathEx "clutter\junk\nv\nvnukacolarum.nif" rModelForm
    6. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      I guess ill leave an option for the merged one as well, it's a nice feature if it runs only once, some mods realy take a tolll on launching the game, and wil make sure to include the requirements. thanks, this si a very usefull feature.
  8. ThorOdinsGun
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm playing with TTW 3.3 at the momment and for some reason these texture aren't loading on to the bottles

    Edit: Not even 5 seconds after posting this i fixed it, it was a mesh conflict
  9. Ggp4
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    any idea why a few bottles like Whiskey are not replaced in animated ingestibles but some are (using the patch)
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      You'd need to ask to whoever made the patch. My guess is that they skipped a few bottles?
  10. I might be a bit of a dumb-dumb now, but this should work with TTW without any issues, right?
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      yes. may have some misplaced bottles in fallout3, like label is facing backwards, but nothign major.
    2. Ah ok, a little unfortunate. But thanks anyway!
  11. gedward1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Stupid Question here can this be installed in fallout 4 and the bottles spawned in from console commands fallout 4 really has no good alcohol mods
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      You cannot install mods from Fallout3\New Vegas in fallout 4. The models are not compatible with that game engine.
  12. gibbothegracious
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Can you upload one with just the textures? I do not have room for more ESPs
    1. zzjay
      • premium
      • 3,033 kudos
      it's not possible. the game uses texture sets, for the variants, and this mod is not just textures, but brand new models and textures. so the variants, like whiskey and tequila will lok all sorts of messed up.