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About this mod

This mod replaces the Vanilla 9MM Pistol with a Custom Made , High Quality Browning Hi-Power replacer with Custom-Made attachments and 4K Quality textures. Original model can be found here >

Permissions and credits
- Description -

A complete remodel and retexture of the current 9mm Pistol within the game, updated to match modern graphical standards. Using a CC free to use model, we overhauled the model to make it as lore friendly as possible. Recreating the Suppressor , Laser Sight and swapping the Scope for an Extended Magazine , this mod breathes a new breath of life into a timeless classic. Do note that it will take 3 in-game days for the weapon mods to spawn in. Watch this video here by Nickheggo to see how the gun/s look in-game.

- Installation -

Just install it with your Mod Manager of choice , then activate the ESP.

- Compatibility -

This mod will conflict with any other mod that changes the 9MM Pistol Weapon Records. 

- Recommended Mods -
Asurahs Animation Pack OR FNV Clean Animations (Use only one)
All Weapon Sounds Overhaul
B42 Weapon Mods Menu
B42 Inertia 
Immersive Recoil 

- Credits -
 Base Asset - GameReadyStudios 
Laser Sight and Suppressor Model / Textures - Clyde Cash
Maria Retextures - Clyde Cash
Base Textures - Myself
Rigging , Texture Porting and Troubleshooting - Anonx1987
Cubemaps - AJhakra and Millenia
Beta Testers and Screenshots - Myself , GoldenCrusader , XO1XO1 , Scouter408 , Scott Clam , Conor96 , Anonx1987 and everyone else who participated.
And a massive thank you to all of the love and support that everyone has given to us whilst making this.
