for those wondering about the stats/info of the gun
damage is extremely good, i think like 2-3x the damage. with ap rounds i was able to consistently one shot brotherhood paladins and ncr soldiers in salvaged power armor
rate of fire is terrible. after every shot, two animations play: the normal animation with the amr, but then also the reload animation. i think it makes the rof be like 0.5-0.3 rps strength requirementsare still high, but much easier to get to. guns 69 and strength 5. though even after meeting all the strength requirements the scope will still sway a fair amount because of the
massive f***ing scope honestly, maybe my favourite feature. it zooms in like 2-3 times more than the standard amr. a lot more like a real sniper
weight is 10 lbs, and the carbon fiber parts mod is still applicable. as are the other two mods
this gun is very close to being massively op, but because of the terrible rof, it keeps it in the realm of sanity (albeit barely)
Hey, so I use WMX and when I apply mods the this gun, the hole thing turns invisible. Any fixes/Ideas?
Okay, I fixed it in geck.ok, so it seems that because this is a retextured amr, it acts weirdly with wmx. i'll just try to fix it with xedit.
damage is extremely good, i think like 2-3x the damage. with ap rounds i was able to consistently one shot brotherhood paladins and ncr soldiers in salvaged power armor
rate of fire is terrible. after every shot, two animations play: the normal animation with the amr, but then also the reload animation. i think it makes the rof be like 0.5-0.3 rps
strength requirements are still high, but much easier to get to. guns 69 and strength 5. though even after meeting all the strength requirements the scope will still sway a fair amount because of the
massive f***ing scope honestly, maybe my favourite feature. it zooms in like 2-3 times more than the standard amr. a lot more like a real sniper
weight is 10 lbs, and the carbon fiber parts mod is still applicable. as are the other two mods
this gun is very close to being massively op, but because of the terrible rof, it keeps it in the realm of sanity (albeit barely)
love it. blast/10