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Author notes
This mod contains about 95% assets from other mod authors. I am unable to grant permission to use the assets from this mod in other mods.
File credits
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Version Optional Community P
Update to v1.1. Added new helmet and new armor texture replacer option by Nexus user SlighIsNigh.
Update to v1.2 with new helmet and armor textures provided by SlighIsNigh
Update to v1.2 (small fix) Uploaded some fixed textures for helmet by SlighIsNigh
Version 2.05
Small change: Updated Helmet Overlay patch for compatibility with v.1.8.
Version 2.04
Fixed "glowing helmet" for the Elite Helmet option and the Standard/Elite Helmet ground objects.
03/14/2021 - Replaced 2.04 with new version that fixes the FOMOD (previous 2.04 read as 2.03 in Mod Organizer. Added Optional File: The Courier - Lore Friendly. This optional .esp overwrites the main file and allows the armor to obtained in a more lore friendly way instead of in a footlocker behind the starting location. Credit to Nexus user layerkayk for its creation.
Version 2.03
Added Desert Battle Dress Uniform (DBDU), Navy Working Uniform (NWU), and Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) jacket options.
Version 2.02
Fixed FOMOD installation of Colonial Marines jacket texture. It will now install properly. (Missing texture in v2 and 2.01)
Version 2.01
Changed light armor DT to 15 and Heavy armor DT to 24. Changed Light and Heavy armor sounds to match light/heavy armor.
Version 2
Removed Camo Jacket and Camo Harnessed Jacket from mod. Renamed Brown Jacket and Brown Harnessed Jacket to The Courier Armor and The Courier Armor Harnessed respectively. The Courier armor is now streamlined and customizable through the FOMOD, allowing user to make changes using a variety of options (chest armor color, jacket colors, helmet type, helmet texture). Added FOMOD option to choose type of armor (light, medium, or heavy). Added Winterized texture option to FOMOD main file. Rebuilt FOMOD to be compatible with Vortex and NMM. Rebuilt helmet mesh so eliminate z-fighting. Added patch for Helmet Overlay mod by slippyguy. Added green jacket and Aliens franchise Colonial Marines camo pattern jacket. Added Elite helmet option.
Version 1.8.2
Moved standard desert jacket .dds texture file from a Main File folder into the optional camo folder for the FOMOD to work with Vortex and NMM. Removed winterized options from FOMOD and manual install files. Added uninstallation instructions to the manual install .txt file. Added separate Optional installation file for the Winterized armor textures. For some reason Vortex and NMM don't like to install FOMOD options where a texture (the winterized armor) overwrites another one with the same name (vanilla mod texture), but it works just fine overwriting meshes.
Version 1.8.1
Removed unnecessary masters from Main File
Version 1.8
Fixed male and female meshes to prevent noticeable clipping when crouching. Uploaded a FOMOD for easier and cleaner installation (rather than having 15 different files to install from). Uploaded a manual install option.
Version 1.7
Better Helmet Texture. Improved Male and Female leg meshes (courtesy of SurvivorJake). Improved (less bulky Male and Female torso). Updated armor stats (Helmet increases Perception, Radiation Resistance, Charisma, Jacket increases Critical Hit Chance, Survival, Agility, and Poison Resistance, Scarves increase Luck, decreased armor value, decreased armor weight, Harnessed armor gains +10 carry weight). Changed Desert Jacket name to Camo Jacket - Added 7 new Camo optional texture files to change the Camo Jacket into a different pattern. All armor now compatible with B42 Wristwatch by Xilandro. Added .esp file patch to make helmet compatible with Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision by Gopher. Added .esp file patch to make helmet compatible with Project Nevada by schlangster. Added .esp file patch to make helmet compatible with Project Nevada - Enhanced Vision by Eddoursul.
Version 1.6
Fixed missing/weird texture bug when using low or medium Texture Size graphics settings by resaving the bad textures and generating new mipmaps.
Version 1.5
Restored Footlocker01Household and stopped armor from spawning in other footlockers in game. Removed a couple unnecessary bad edits discovered in NVEdit.
Version 1.4
Fixed male neck clipping through armor. Added optional files to replace boots with combat boots.
Version 1.3
Fixed some back clipping to reduce the amount of clipping with holstered rifles, shotguns, etc. Slightly largened the male boots Added optional No Messenger Bag file to eliminate the clipping of holstered sidearms on the right hip.
Version 1.2
Female wrist seams fixed. Holes in jacket shoulder meshes fixed. 1st person camera clipping bug fixed. Made all items repairable (armor and helmet repaired with combat armor and helmet, scarves repaired with wasteland clothing).
Version 1.1
Male wrist seams fixed
Version 1.0
Original file uploaded
The Courier armor was inspired by a Reddit post I saw by u/TheGeeksterChief. This armor, its variants, helmet and scarves are obtainable for free in a footlocker behind Doc Mitchell's house (see screenshot for location). Armors were tested with vanilla male/female bodies. Expect some clipping, especially with the harness and holstered weapons. Preferably install via a mod manager such as Mod Organizer 2 or Vortex. (Users have reported errors when installing with FOMM and NMM). Main File includes:
The Courier Armor
The Courier Armor with Harness
Red, Green, and Dirty multicolored Scarves with tucked-in versions as well
Community Project - adds several custom helmet and armor options designed by Nexus users like you!
Lore Friendly - makes the "harnessed" armor obtainable in a more lore friendly way and alters armor stats to be more in-line with vanilla armors. Armor is categorized as "medium" armor and will overwrite armor type choice from main file. Look east of Primm near "The Prospector's Den." Credit to Nexus user layerkayk for creating this optional version of the mod.
SPOILER ALERT, LOCATION of Lore Friendly Armor:
No Bright Helmet Visor - removes the bright red or green helmet visor color from the "The Courier" helmet, leaving a darker, more muted colored glass look.
Choose from a variety of styles, textures, patterns, and helmet options.
If you want to change any options, just reinstall mod, make different selections in the installer, and new choices will appear instantly.
Known Bugs
Minor issue: Lower part of the jacket and sleeves become invisible in 3rd Person when partially submerged in waist deep water and viewed from above the water line. Unknown what is the cause or how to fix.
See Changelog for version info
This mod would not be possible without the generosity of the wonderful mod authors here on Nexus.
Permissions: About 50% of the assets from this mod are from other mod authors and the rest are my edited vanilla meshes and textures. Unfortunately I can not give consent/permission to use this mod or its assets in another mod or Fallout 3, but fixes or patches are totally fine.