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nickheggo EvTital Neto HeroicPie i_Code_i Cyrisus Adshield aogara

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About this mod

-- FO4 Port --
Adds a new outfit with custom camouflages and Helmet.

Permissions and credits

This mod is a port of the Private Military Company mod from Fallout 4 with EvTital's permission.
Update v2 brings a lot of new content including Adshield's PMC Extended and Aogara's lorefriendly patches.

-PMC Suit (in 2 varians and 19 Camos)
-PMC Vest (15 Camos)
-PMC Gear (in 3 variants and 5 Camos)
-PMC Gloves
-33 different patches

-FAST Helmet (17 camos)
-Lots of gear for the FAST helmet

Everything can be found behind Doc Mittchel's house.

EvTital - FO4 mod
Adshield - PMC Extended
aogara - Lore Patches
AlpenWolf - PMC assets
Hussky9 - Helmet assets
TomaHawk - Female versions
HeroicPie - Vest variants
i_Code_i - Helmet

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