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About this mod

Overhauls how the Dine and Dash perk works, adds a counterpart for Ghastly Scavenger, and rebalances them around the new system.

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A long time ago I thought the "Dine and Dash" option from the perk meant that your character would just take some human remains and leave, but yet they still do the animation even though you don't gain any health from doing so, so at that point it's just a time waster. You could argue the animation still plays as showing your character taking the human remains, but if that was the case I feel they would've made a different animation altogether where they don't put it into their mouth.

That being said, here's a list of what this mod does:

  • Separates the "Dine" and "Dash" options, adding a tactical choice between both. Dining will give you more health and restore more hunger, but takes longer. Dashing will give you less health and restore less hunger, but is much faster, as well as portable
  • Skips the eating animation when choosing the "Dash" option
  • Corpses will explode similar to Bloody Mess when choosing either option
  • Adds a new perk called "Gorge or Go" as a Dine or Dash counterpart for Ghastly Scavenger
  • Gorge or Go is earned the same way Dine or Dash is, via completing a challenge where you eat 25 corpses
  • Gorge or Go doesn't work without Ghastly Scavenger, however, as there was unfortunately no way to increment eaten Super Mutant and Feral Ghoul corpses specifically, and there's already a 2nd challenge that comes after the initial one. I also didn't want to make the player eat any more corpses to essentially unlock the same ability twice. When you can do it on humans, you can do it on Super Mutants and Feral Ghouls
  • If you earn Gorge or Go before Ghastly Scavenger, Gorge or Go should start working when you do, but won't until then
  • DLC Edition only: Modifies the Tribal Wisdom perk from Honest Hearts to dismember insects, as well as skip the cannibal animation to make the perk a quick-but-weak option. Also increases the amount of health you get from 12 to 15
  • New in 3.0: Humans and non-feral ghouls will flee when eating a human corpse, and humans, super mutants, and feral ghouls will flee when eating a super mutant or feral ghoul corpse, but not for as long

Note: If you're updating mid-game and have already completed the Dine or Dash challenge, unfortunately I didn't want to clutter the mod with a failsafe for such a situation, so the only way to get it after that is via console commands, or starting a new game.
