Fallout New Vegas

Hidden mod

This mod has been set to hidden

Hidden at 08 Aug 2021, 8:56PM by Demorome for the following reason:
This is pretty busted currently, I somehow didn't know at the time that ModAV was a permanent increase in health, and this mod uses that to restore your health to a threshold.

An update may come eventually, but until then, here are some steps to undo the fuckup:

Go in console, type "player.GetAVInfo Health". It should print out a bunch of stats. What matters is the Modifiers: ... Perm: ? stat.

Mind that this stat might not have been solely modified by my mod; maybe you have an effect that increases max health permanently from another mod / perk?
Since it's all tangled up, you should check how much your health is being affected by Actor Effects by using "player.GetAVMod Health 1".

Finally, you can subtract the first result by the second result, and then call "player.ModAV Health -(myCalculatedValue)" to reverse my effects.