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About this mod

Simple mesh replacer to get the glass transparent in the main terminal of the McCarran Airport. Only mesh replacement, no .esp files! no conflicts! no performance issue!

Permissions and credits
This mod replaces three meshes located in the cell CampMCTermInt01 :
The modification is a tweak of the alpha property and an alteration of the texture. The texture doesn't replace anything. It's only the default glass texture with bullet holes transparent to get a better effect. UV maps in the NMC version is modified to increase the number of bullet holes, to get closer to the Vanilla game.
Two versions are available: one compatible with NMC texture pack and one with Vanilla texture.

ENB users
The v1.5 doesn't work with ENB, but work with NVR. ENB users should use the v1.0.

Fallout New Vegas


Extract archive into your Fallout New Vegas\Data folder.

Recommanded mods
NMC texture pack
Semi-transparent door glass
Mccarran Escalator Glass

NMC for the glass texture for NMC version
Obsidian for the glass texture for Vanilla version and the original meshes of the windows