Fallout New Vegas

About this mod

Adds a player home loosely based on the home of Skinner from The Simpsons, as seen in the famous Steamed Hams sketch.

Permissions and credits

This mod adds a brand new player home, loosely based on the home of Skinner from The Simpsons - specifically, as it was seen in the famous Steamed Hams sketch. It can be accessed through the unique snowglobe found in the Goodsprings Schoolhouse.

It features a number of objects that can be interacted with, as well as a bunch of random items that can be used as weapons - just because. See if you can find them all!

== Requirements ==

- All DLCs, with the exception of the Gun Runners' Arsenal and the Courier's Stash

- New Vegas Script Extender

- JIP LN NVSE Plugin, version 52.30 or higher

== My Mods ==

Player Home Mods:

Item-Related Mods:

Quality-of-Life Mods & Tweak Mods:

Resources & Tutorials:

Joke Mods: