About this mod
A simple retexture of the hula girl. 1K, 512x and 256x resolutions included, and template for easy customization available as well.
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Hello, everybody! This is a simple retexture of the hula girl figurine, available in 1K, 512x and 256x resolutions. Both coconut bra and topless versions available for your enjoyment.
A high-res (1k) retexture of the hula doll. Custom normal map included. Will work on Fallout 3, too. Features a nice engraved base, colorful flower necklace and brand-new, shiny coconut bra (although a version showing off the goods is available too).
The vanilla texture is originally 256x. I'm including that tiny resolution, and 512x as well, for folks who may feel such a small prop isn't worth 1k's worth of VRAM. Choose whichever you prefer.
I had wanted to make this one for a long time, and finally got around to it yesterday. I know the mouth is a bit lopsided, but, the figurine has like 8 polygons so I did what I could.
That's all there is to it. Download it or don't, I really don't mind. If you think the original texture looks better, more power to you I guess. Never said I was good at making these things...
Since I know someone somewhere may want one with a different skin color, different hair, or whatnot, I'm including my Paint.NET template so you can make your own. All layers are included. Feel free to use this template to make custom dolls for your mods - just give credit.
The resource is compatible with the static animated hula doll I shared here, for even MORE variety! More hula dolls than you can shake a stick at!
To install, choose the one you want and extract the contents of the folder to your "Steam/SteamApps/Common/Fallout New Vegas/Data" folder. That's it, no esp required. To uninstall, simply delete the files from your Data folder, and you're good to go. Have fun!