thank you for this, having just 2 companions is game breaking alone now that enemies will actually be tougher things will be getting spicy in here and not be a cakewalk
Thank you for the mod, I like the idea of increased challange, but I do have a question would it be possible to add an INI file to tweak the setting, particularly damage multipliers, I had an idea to increase the difficulty once I reach the Mojave from DC (TTW) In any case thank you!
This difficulty setting invalidates a lot of weapons in this game. You need to absolutely meta hug if you want viability especially in a place like OWB where the enemies are bullet sponges on easier difficulties. Still fun though.
After looking at many similar mods, this is the only one that made sense to me. I like that it uses the natural progression of a higher difficulty making this a very very hard level. Using skyrim's legendary as a model to accomplish that was brilliant! This absolutely should have been in the vanilla game for NV. At least for me. As it is, I'm still finding combat too easy with this mod. Maybe it's because I got a perk every level and am now at level 55 lol. Oops. But the nice thing is, I can edit this in FNVEdit to an even harder setting now!? May have to try it. Very well balanced as is. Thanks for this great mod!
Yep, that was the whole point. Not necessarily balance—I mean, it's just a couple of numbers—but the fact that it's Bethesda's own difficulty level. And yes, eventually you're OP even against these numbers. I would say that the higher difficulty gives purpose to all of the perks and whatnot that boost your damage output. But after spending three playthroughs using this setting, I can at least note with satisfaction that if you don't take care, you will still die.
That's actually the main reason why I made Cosmetic Wardrobe. I wanted to be able to run around in, well, non-armor. But the reasonable DR/DT of such gear is zero, and that's simply too dangerous on Legendary Difficulty. So now I can run around with all the best gear and still look like I'm wearing the stuff I want to wear. It helps.
With this mod as is, I have been almost dying now that I've added Endless Warfare ! :-)
I did see your Cosmetic Wardrobe mod. It looks great! I would just have to add 3 more mods that I don't have yet for its requirements... I get around that by editing outfits I really want to wear in FNVEdit. I just add some DT and /or DR. It may not "make sense" that a dress has 22 DT like some armors, but if that's what I want to wear, why should I be unprotected? lol.
Would there be any issues you think if I edit your ESP to go lower than .25 or higher than 3.0?
Is it possible to actually add a separate Legendary Difficulty instead of just overwriting Very Hard? That way it's easier to swap between the two instead of having to close the game and reactivate the mod every time?
I'm totally guessing there isn't a slot, or you may need to mod the menus or UI. But given that players don't change their difficulty setting that often, it shouldn't be a deal-breaker to just close the game, untick the mod and restart to go back to the regular very hard.
Btw, for anyone wondering what the unnecessarily vague description should apparently mean in practice: Fallout's very hard setting multiplier is x0.50 for damage dealt out by you, but x2 for damage taken by you. Skyrim's legendary setting multiplier is x0.25 for damage dealt out by you, but x3 for damage taken by you.
Thanks for this great mod!
That's actually the main reason why I made Cosmetic Wardrobe. I wanted to be able to run around in, well, non-armor. But the reasonable DR/DT of such gear is zero, and that's simply too dangerous on Legendary Difficulty. So now I can run around with all the best gear and still look like I'm wearing the stuff I want to wear. It helps.
I did see your Cosmetic Wardrobe mod. It looks great! I would just have to add 3 more mods that I don't have yet for its requirements...
I get around that by editing outfits I really want to wear in FNVEdit. I just add some DT and /or DR. It may not "make sense" that a dress has 22 DT like some armors, but if that's what I want to wear, why should I be unprotected? lol.
Would there be any issues you think if I edit your ESP to go lower than .25 or higher than 3.0?
Btw, for anyone wondering what the unnecessarily vague description should apparently mean in practice:
Fallout's very hard setting multiplier is x0.50 for damage dealt out by you, but x2 for damage taken by you.
Skyrim's legendary setting multiplier is x0.25 for damage dealt out by you, but x3 for damage taken by you.