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About this mod

The Open Waters Sequel starring Sarah Kath. She seeks revenge against a group of drug dealers called the Dixon Family lead by a mysterious figure who goes by the name Mr.X. Meet exciting new characters, go to new places and worlds, explore more of freeside. Enjoy the many, many endings!! (6 Endings)

Permissions and credits
This mod is no longer supported. Please do not play it for your own sake. It is terrible and I only brought it back on the nexus because I know some people like it.
I will never update this nor will I answer any comments or concerns about it.

The Open Waters Sequel starring Sarah Kath. She seeks revenge against a group of drug dealers called the Dixon Family lead by a mysterious figure who goes by the name Mr.X. Meet exciting new characters, go to new places and worlds, explore more of freeside. Enjoy the many, many endings!!

The Mod starts in freeside. Once you enter Freeside, a man named Bo will approach you beginning the quest. this is a fairly long quest mod, it being just slightly a little longer than my Tales of New Reno  mod. It was originally going to be really short, but it kinda just got way to big after a lot of interesting sequences. I added two new areas as well as many new buildings, casinos, and stores in freeside. The new locations include a prison in california and the town  surrounding it, and a city just outside the mojave wasteland called Mesa City.(Sly Cooper ref, Lol) I make a lot of referecnes, i knwo. It's not completely my fault.


  • Voice Acting
  • Two new worlds
  • two new radio stations
  • a interesting story
  • multiple endings
  • an interesting antagonist
  • new areas in freeside
  • Behind the Scenes room/see cut areas and characters/ meet all voice actors
  • new companions (Clarissa /Hamid)
  • Seven Side Quests
  • Long Main Quest
  • Much, Much MORE!

  •  jtucker40 for the wastland warfighter armor
  •  Austin Daniel "Malastrome15" S. for his wonderful voicework
  •  theDemonjackal for his wonderful voicework
  • Music works of Bernard Herrmann for the  inspiration to make this mod
  •  and many many more!!!!!!!!!!

All the major bugs have been fixed. However, there are a few minor ones. If you have an issue let me know. I know there may be a few issues

Fixed a few major bugs
Bugs Fixed:
  • Ending A Fixed
  • Prison Sequence modified
  • Mesa City Modified
  • Mesa City Bugs fixed (Crashing/NPCS Flying/Navmesh)
  • Few Spelling issues
  • Ending Slideshow fixed
  • Hobo Sidequest Added

Current bugs include:
  • Radio Station does not work right, not sure how to fix
  • certain NPC's don't attack you during the prison sequences
  • One holotape causes crashes
  • Pawn Shop has glitched door




F.Y.I (because people miss things)
  • You get your weapon's taken away at two points, and you can get them back (In the prison, you get your items back in a locker in the prison offices/ In the dixon HQ, you can find your items in the second floor basement)
  • Many Many stores and sidequests in freeside
  • Multiple escape routes in prison sequence


Ending A+: Complete entire quest story, kill Mr.X, Save sarah's kids

Ending A: Complete entire quest story, kill Mr.X

Ending A-: Complete entire story quest, Mr.X Escapes

Ending B+: Kill Sarah Kath for Mr.X

Ending B-: Kill Sarah kath for Dimitri

Ending C: Kill Mr. X early in the game

Ending D: Allow yourself to be captured by dimitri and enslaved in his casino <Ending may be bugged>

All major characters in this story have at least 2 to 4 different fates, but they will not be listed here.