About this mod
1k retex of the Westside craftsman window.
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Hello, everybody! Here is yet another retexture - the Westside craftsman window!
A new retexture for this particular window, available in 1k, 512x and 256x for your convenience.
I honestly wasn't gonna share this one because I know the wood frame texture looks a bit bad, but eh. May as well, since the original texture looks simply hideous in my opinion and anything is better than that.
Please note I made this at like 4 AM while trying to fight a broken mesh in Blender, so it really isn't all that spectacular. Take a look at the screenshots for a comparison.
The game uses the shared flat_n.dds file as a normal map whenever this window is used, so I didn't make a custom normal map for it. I could make one if anybody wants, though.
I know these may not be lore-friendly, ugly or whatever. I don't care. As usual, download it or don't, I really don't mind.
To install, extract the contents of the folder to your "Steam/SteamApps/Common/Fallout New Vegas/Data" folder. That's it, no esp required. Or you can use your mod manager of choice to download the mod automatically. To uninstall, simply delete the files from your Data folder, and you're good to go.
I know the screenshots aren't very good because my computer isn't the best, so feel free to upload your own. Have fun!