About this mod

Adds xenomorph aliens who continually hunt down the player.

Permissions and credits
This mod adds an alternating, respawning group of xenomorph aliens to the game. The aliens will spawn one at a time, and track down and try to kill the player. After the first alien is killed, it's body will remain for about 2.5 minutes, before fading away. Another 2.5 minutes after that a second, stronger alien will spawn and being tracking the player. After that alien is killed, the cycle repeats with the final, strongest alien, before resetting back to the
first alien. All three aliens also carry the misc. item "Alien Chitin", which can be used (once the player has 10 pieces) to create "Alien Armor", a set of armor that turns the character into a xenomorph while they're wearing it.

The mod also adds a quest called "Bug Hunt" that can be started by picking up a note from the body of a dead NCR soldier outside of Novac. When this quest is completed, the alien hunters will permanently stop spawning, so don't finish the quest if you don't want the aliens to go away!

Thanks to Dogtown1 for use of assets from his "Monster Mod" mod!

Monster Mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/41361/?

Dogtown1's Nexus Page: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/932262/?

Also thanks to Al Chestbreach for the idea to create this mod in the first place!

Al's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/alchestbreach/videos