About this mod

A new ENB designed to give your game that realistic feel without compromising on atmosphere and lore. Built around the latest ENB binaries, this ENB aims to bring quality visuals without a high cost on performance.

Permissions and credits

A new ENB by Tru3th, designed to achieve visual immersion, with a very fitting look that gives fallout that post-apocalyptic feel it needs

This ENB was designed with only FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting (ENB version) and made to go along with flora mods that give the game an overgrown feel. I made it after playing Survarium and wanting to replicate the look of the game in Fallout. However, this ENB preset looks good no matter what your flora settings are. I have been working on this ENB for the last couple of months, I based it on Wanderer's ENB which I have released exclusively on VGU.

Update: New Performance Download

Made to be used with the latest ENB binaries available HERE

To make sure the ENB D3D9.dll file from enbseries_falloutnv_v0263.rar and put it in your game folder, along with all the files from this mod. Next make sure you turn off anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering in the games launcher.

If you have installed everything properly, upon launching the game, text will appear in the top right corner.

By the way your screenshots will look a lot better if you are able to capture the sweetfx,
using the print screen button, which will place the shot in your main game folder.

Thanks alonewolf003

Recommended Mods:
NMC Texture Pack - http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43135Bornagain NV
The Book of Water -http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/39873
WRP -http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/38285
Ojo Bueno Environmental- http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39755/?
Thanks to Hodilton

Thanks to MCDReviews

Some shots that I took with this preset:

A lot of screenshots are taken in the Capital Wasteland using the Tale of Two wastelands mod, which I highly recommend. If you choose to use TTW, I would also suggest the forested version of Vurt's Flora Overhaul. This ENB was primarily designed around a forested look in DC

Thanks to all members of VGU for being an awesome and friendly community, and specifically thanks to the following people who have helped my with screenshots and other assistance: 
(if I missed anybody I apologize just message me)

My current rig:
AMD FX 8320 at 4.025 ghz
New Vegas on a Kingston SSD

Average FPS= 40-60

Thanks to the Autumnal Wanderers for the palette
Thanks to Erinkiller http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53521/? for Dynamo ENB, which This has been based on
Thanks to SunnyDelight for the enbloom file
And special thanks to Boris for his amazing work

Possible Updates in the future, I am currently working on an ENB for Skyrim