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About this mod

This is a patch project to Classic Fallout Weapons (CFW) release 3.3b. Currently multiple weapons were fixed and many rebalanced. This is a WIP, but should be stable for regard to rolling updates. You are welcome to fork or to contribute.

Permissions and credits
This is my changeset for Classic Fallout Weapons (only version 3.3b) by Linerunner
it all started from glitchy Vindicator, L30 Gattling and G11, but slowly and slowly expanded as time passed.

Current version: 3.3b-999H

Incoming changes in next release 3.3b-999i PLEASE ELABORATE IN COMMENTS:
None needed so far.

Mod Stability Status: TESTED AND WORKING
TL DR? -> Scroll down to Description and get the file.

Changelog (only latest version, 3.3b-999h):
* Difference between G and H: fixed missing ammo modifiers for 4.7 caseless and Needler AP. Only AiO (both versions) were affected - this is very probably coming from FNVplugin. Thanks to DarkAlienAngel for reporting! Just drop-replace for update, nothing else needed.
* Introduction of Cowboy Grunt submod, that expands Cowboy and Grunt perks with  corresponding CFW weapons. This is a standalone mod, requiring Honest Hearts (Grunt). Short sum-up is - Grunt includes basic primitive army weapons and Cowboy - western-type weapons. For list of changes please consider its own readme. This is included in AiO, as result AiO now require Honest Hearts.
* Introduction of Out of this World perk as a submod. This is an equivalent to Grunt for Sci-Fi weaponry. It does not intersect neither with Grunt nor with Cowboy. Requires OWB and GRA, hence is not included in All in One - but is highly recommended.
* Gun Rebalance mod was bumped to 1.1: Casul Revolver caliber was fixed, .308 LMGs were slightly nerfed in rate, M2 and MECC were nerfed in rate (they are still deadly, just not god-like), you can now craft Needle and NeedleAP ammo at reloading bench, amount of needle ammo at traders was fixed to regular.

Updating from previous versions:
FNV uses and stores file names of the mod itself inside each save game.
There is an ascending list inside a save game that you can view with any text editor (Notepad++, you dont need hexeditor for this).

If you upgrade, make sure that:
- the name of ESP stays same with the old one. Rename the newer ESP to match it, if needed.
- relative position of file stays same.
If you load, and see no box about absent content - you are safe. If not, quit and look at your save game with some file editor for exact mod name.

I once made a mistake of including version in ESP file name, hence causing the items to be stripped due to just different mod name.
Sorry for inconvenience.

This mod follows three goals:
1) rebalance things to project their stats into Fallout New Vegas - rather than copy them over, matching vanilla weapons.
2) fix unpleasant effects, such as excessive loudness, absence of 4.7 ammo recipe and its low in-game value and so forth.
3) improve textures and sounds where necessary
Every change is documented.


- All-in-One:
Everything above that is marked as such below. You don´t need anything else, if you get this one.

- All-in-One with suffix (postfix):
Exactly like All-in-One, but each gun title from CFW pack has a suffix "cfw".
Purely to promote in-game that this weapon is from this mod. Like if you have lots of weapon mods, it may be useful.

Note: Due to lowest "atom of change" in ESP/ESM being WHOLE item(weapon), it is not possible to implement this mod as a stand-alone mergeable mini-mod.
But if you are merging mods, after you are done, open the file with GECK and manually edit names, adding the suffix.

- loudness fix
this fixes loudness for about ~30 guns towards "acceptable" level.
If you install this mod, you will be able to actually enjoy playing Classic Fallout Weapons without your ears blowing off from firing some guns.
This is included in All-in-One.

- 4.7 caseless

new caliber for all Fallout 2 weapons that had 4.7mm caseless there. Don't worry, you can craft it too.
VS 5mm AP, 4.7mm has: -27 DT (vs -25 DT), weight -40%, rare, cost +60%.
If you install this mod, all 4.7 guns (two HK G11 rifles and Vindicator) will use new ammunition.
This is included in All-in-One.

- 4.7 caseless recipe
you probably want this, if you install 4.7 caseless above.
If you install this mod, you will be able to craft 4.7 caseless ammo.
This is included in All-in-One.

- G11/G11E stat overhaul
, fix scope, damage mod, 100 gun skill. Performance: 20DMG@10shotsPS, built-in 4x scope, optional silencer, optional reliability improvement.
G11E, unlocked in CFW, damage mod, 100 gun skill. Performance: 22DMG@12shotsPS, built-in night vision scope+silencer, optional highmag scope and reliability improvement.

To use G11E, you must install G11/G11E mod. Texture packs below are not required.
G11E texture pack without this G11E mod, makes no sense cause G11E is LOCKED/HIDDEN in CFW.
It was originally locked in resources - it had no .ESP file with stats,lists and resource bindings.
Also, original G11 had scope as a mod - where my version gives it to both guns. Guns differ in scope quality, fire rate and damage.
If you install this mod, G11E will appear in game, G11/G11E will have newer stats reflecting their rank as a high-end assault rifles.
If you don´t install it, G11 will have old stats/mods/scope, G11E will not appear.
This is included in All-in-One.

- G11 retex
Well, they are not some professional retextures, but a lot less blurry than stock.
If you install textures (2x for G11, 1x for G11E), they will use those textures. In order to see G11E, you need G11/G11E stat mod installed.
If you don´t install textures, guns will use old textures.

Scratchy is included in All-in-One.

- Vindicator Minigun
Minigun has entirely new sounds, 100 gun skill. Performance: 22DMG@19 shotsPS, optional improvements: rotor, frame and ammo cap.
Vindicator will become quite a deadly weapon - as it used to be; and it will also sound sexier.
This is included in All-in-One.
[INFO]  Currently Vindicator includes Backpack. If it bugs out for you, see "Whack the Backpack" mod.

- L30 Gatling laser

Absolutely different behavior, stats, damage. Performance: 33DMG@6 shotsPS, 2 MFC/shot, 120 ammo cap.
Perfectly fits within F:NV.

I heavily recommend installing this mod, because the unfixed L30 spin sound is not synced to the start of gun fire.
Gun is located in Silver Rush.
If you want only to fix L30 firing sound -  get file mod, extract it manually and copy-overwrite the sound file inside into your Data directory, where CFW was previously installed. Regardless if you have unpacked CFW ESP (for any reasons) or not - it will work.
This is included in All-in-One.

- YK32/YK42b
Now do additional EMP damage to robots and power armor, in a manner similar to Pulse Pistol - but much lower.
They consume more ammunition per shot, but still shot the exact amount of shots per clip as their FO2 counterparts.
In addition, YK32 includes a mod to improve damage and add a scope; YK42b has an additional mod to improve damage and fire rate.
This is included in All-in-One.

- MSG90 / AntiMateriel Unique:
balancing of MSG90 to make it more capable .308 rifle, somewhere between regular Sniper and Gobi.
DMG 52->62, Critical DMG 52->62, Health 100->140, Price 4500->6100

This puts MSG90 above default 762 Sniper, but not versus 762 uniques;
Reasoning: MSG90 is definitely of higher quality, has longer barrel. But as result MSG90 weights nearly twice as regular 762 sniper, but needs 1 STR less to handle as weight absorbs recoil.

Unique AMR: Added unique AMR 12.7mm, as the stock game had no uniques for this gun.
Its left by withdrawing Enclave in Vault 19 Sulfur mines, don't blow them up prematurely.
DMG 110->150, crit DMG 110->150, NV sniper scope, reliability 90->150; STR 8->9, price 5600->12800; a bit increased kinetic effect on fragged enemies.
Optional weight reduction, but if you use WMX or WME mod - this rifle may turn out to be less advantageous compared to modded original AMR. Its supposed to be that way.
This is included in All-in-One.

- Gun Stat Rebalance:

Overall, mod bumps up a damage to all CFW guns across the board.
But its does so by orienting itself on original guns of New Vegas. Nevertheless, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. This mod does not touch Vindicator or G11/E

AK >  AK-112 Assault Rifle (from FO2).
Nearly all powder-based guns have stats changed towards corresponding caliber class of base FNV weapons, and spread with pros/cons.
Overall, guns have become deadlier - there is no gun which is worse than base gun of its own caliber class, there is no useless guns now.
.308 LMGs are quite deadly now, but they still lack precision and power of same caliber sniper rifles.
Browning M2 and MECC are quite a serious guns for a high-level character now - but very hard to control and inaccurate due to the cartridge size.
Needler pistol was improved with mod-able scope and new Needle AP ammo was introduced. Both Needle ammo can be crafted.
Gauss weapons were changed to Energy class due to their function principles - like FNV does it, and their stats were matched against base FNV (increased).
Note that FO2 game has Gauss set to "Guns" skill, but because the only item from "Gun" skill in the Gauss is the pellet and the rest are magnets and circuits, I see it as FO2 bug.
This is included in All-in-One.

- Cowboy/Grunt Perk affects CFW
Fix of a bug reported by Kuitmo over at  Classic Fallout Weapons comment section: CFW weapons are not affected by Grunt perk.
Grunt gives flat 25% damage to all lower-level and regular powder-based guns - this includes mostly pistols and assault rifles.
Grunt has no effect on exotic LMGs or heavy guns.
Cowboy affects western-type guns and now also affects CFW´s revolvers and shotguns.
This is included in All-in-One.

- NEW "Out of this world" Perk
"Travel through the radioactive desert, they say? But you are known to walk the skies! Luke, is that you? You do 25% more damage with any sci-fi weapon."
Like Grunt, but for Sci-Fi energy weapons, because original FNV lacks it. Now you can have it.
With this NON-CANNON perk installed, when time comes, you have a chance to remember who you are. If you are skilled and lucky enough, that is.
Sci-Fi weapons are defined as: ray-based laser, plasma, energy, pulse - guns, axes, grenades.
I highly recommend to get this mod, if you go energy build!
This is NOT included in All-in-One, as it introduces dependency on OWB and GRA. I suggest to use FNVPlugin to merge it.

Load order
: Load latest , regardless if multi-part or All-in-One version.

- mods that radically change Vault 19 cave will deprecate Unique AMR from MSG90/AntiMateriel Unique mod.

Installation (new):
Pick package(s) and install. Place ESP below all CFW ESP.

(in case you don't want full package and want to combine few fragments)
Combining mods your way:
There are two classes: All-in-One and separate.
You can either choose All-in-One, or pick separate mods.
You can combine separate mods (ESPs) into one ESP, with tools such as FNVplugin very quickly.
ATTENTION: FNVplugin has a confirmed (by me) bug - this tool DOES NOT ATTACH ammo modifiers to corresponding ammo for every ADDED(MERGED) mod. The new ammo modifier entries are copied just fine, new ammo entries
are copied fine likewise, but the modifiers break their attachment to
corresponding ammo. That means - you must either pick a mod that changes
AMMO MODIFIERS as a BASE (First one); or you must use GECK to attach
the AMMO MODIFIERS after the merge.

Say, you opened "4.7 caseless" as a base mod in FNVplugin, and you want to merge(add) a Gun Stat mod.
The "4.7 mod" has 4.7 ammo with -27 DT modifier
(GECK->Items->Ammo->search "47"->Edit, in lower part of the
window). But because its a base mod, this change is not touched and
merged without problem. 
The Gun Stat mod  - also adds new Needle AP ammo, with a -25 DT as an ammo modifier. This modifier is merged, but
its not ATTACHED to this ammo. This is a bug.
To fix this, either use mods with ammo modifiers as base (first mod) and add (merge) others on
top of it; or use GECK afterwards to manually attach the ammo modifiers
to weapons (they are copied fine, just not linked to weapons).

Bugs and Wishes:
When I did this mod, I actually played the game with every weapon. So it should be pretty stable, if its marked as stable.
But I don't use any graphic mod or VATS (I replace with bullet time), so:
- Should you spot any bug, or trouble, please let me know. If you can reproduce it and fix, go ahead and share.
- If you are not comfortable with any change I did, you are free to
change it as you see fit and distribute where you want, so long you
respect Nexus rules and copyrights.

I surrender all copyright to original maker of Classic Fallout Weapons mod. I have virtually no interest in anything "copyright", my goal is to increase the enjoyment of CFW mod - further. Nothing else.
Textures used are modifications to original CFW:NV mod textures for the sake of improving detail - lots of work done, but no copyright is claimed.
Sounds used are courtesy of Jim Rogers, under Attribution 3.0 license.

WTFPL - my changes
Original CFWNV license, copyright surrender - textures of G11/G11E on which improvements are based
Sounds - under free license, thank you Mr. Rogers!