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About this mod

This is a collection of patch files for A World of Pain by David LeMaistre (djmystro) which enhance various aspects of the original mod. The patches can be used individually or in combination.

Permissions and credits
A World of Pain (AWOP) - Revisions

Version 6.0

AWOP Revs - You Are The Hero
AWOP Revs - You Are Still The Hero
AWOP Revs - Help In Goodsprings
AWOP Revs - Scaled Goodsprings Fight
AWOP Revs - Original Goodsprings Fight
AWOP Revs - Extra Gear
AWOP Revs - Loot Destruction Item
[ with FCO 2, FCO 3, and NVR 3 Compatibility ]

This is a collection of patch files for "A World of Pain" by David LeMaistre (djmystro) which enhance various aspects of the original mod. They can be used individually or in combination. The collection as a whole should be placed after (below) all other AWOP mods and patches that are not part of this collection.

You Are The Hero

AWOP introduces so many elite NPC good guys across New Vegas ("Red Beret" NCR Troopers, Wasteland Heroes, and Wasteland Legends) that their very presence makes any need for *you* as an up-and-coming Hero seem totally irrelevant. So this patch removes them from the game, thereby recreating a meaningful need for *your* personal help. Also, Sgt Arkus in Goodsprings is scaled down in order to play a less significant role in "A Ghost Town Gunfight".

Although similar to the original AWOP Low NPC patches, this deals strictly with removing excess good guys and is more thorough; bad guys are left untouched for you to go clobber.

This can be used with an existing character.

NOTE: Install this patch, or YOU ARE STILL THE HERO, but not both. Choosing neither option simply retains all of AWOP's high-level Good Guys.

WARNING: These patches have not been tested with variations of FCO and NVR (such as NVR 3 Revised) -- might work okay or might not.

You Are Still The Hero

Similar in intent to YOU ARE THE HERO, this patch scales down AWOP good guy NPCs to more reasonable levels, rather than removing them, but still ensures the need for *your* personal help. NCR Red Berets become low to moderate level NCR Military Police, Wasteland Heroes and Legends become low to moderate level Wasteland Explorers, and Wasteland Mercenaries and Vigilantes are also scaled down. In addition, AWOP's Goodsprings Vigilantes become non-combatant Goodsprings Settlers.

Although this can be used with an existing saved game, it only affects individual NPCs that have not yet been created / spawned (which occurs when you visit an area for the first time); so it works best with a totally brand new character.

NOTE: Install this patch, or YOU ARE THE HERO, but not both. Choosing neither option simply retains all of AWOP's high-level Good Guys.

Help In Goodsprings

When this patch is used with YOU ARE STILL THE HERO, nearby non-combatant Goodsprings Settlers (who used to be AWOP Vigilantes) will help fight the Powder Gangers during "A Ghost Town Gunfight", rather than cowering or running away; it should be placed after (below) that patch in your load order.

When used without YOU ARE STILL THE HERO, this patch essentially reduces the assistance normally received from AWOP's Goodsprings Vigilantes by transforming them into simple Goodsprings Settlers who are still willing to fight, but by becoming lower level NPCs they enable the Player to be a more significant contributor.

NOTE: This patch has no effect when used with YOU ARE THE HERO.

Scaled Goodsprings Fight

For "A Ghost Town Gunfight" in Goodsprings, AWOP sets Joe Cobb to be Level 12 (versus the original Level 2), and the other Powder Gangers are set to Level 8 through 12 (versus the original Level 1) ... which can be an overly tough fight for a low level Player character. This patch instead scales that fight's difficulty based on your current level, but still makes it a challenge.

NOTE: Choose this patch, or ORIGINAL GOODSPRINGS FIGHT, but not both. Choosing neither option simply retains AWOP's default difficulty.

Original Goodsprings Fight

This patch restores the original ("vanilla") level of difficulty for the Ghost Town Gunfight in Goodsprings. Joe Cobb becomes Level 2, and the other Powder Gangers become Level 1.

NOTE: Choose this patch, or SCALED GOODSPRINGS FIGHT, but not both. Choosing neither option simply retains AWOP's default difficulty.

Extra Gear

Useful eyewear for dimly lit areas, and weaponry for those who like to skulk around. This is a "stand alone" enhancement in that AWOP need not be installed. However, it requires the Old World Blues DLC to be present.

* Low-Light Goggles - modest vision enhancement when the lighting is poor; most effective when your Pip-Boy light is turned on. Visit the Yangtze Memorial, but take along a shovel.

* Night Vision Goggles - comes in handy when exploring the darker places of the Wastelands. "Safely" stored in a Nipton residence.

* Prototype Electric Pistol - a "silenced" alternative for one-handed energy weaponry; same place where you need that shovel.

* Prototype Electric Rifle - a "silenced" alternative for two-handed energy weaponry. Be sure to hone your Lockpick skill before proceeding to the Hidden Supply Cave.

For the very best in Night Vision technology, use my Nightskulker Gear mod.

Loot Destruction Item

Optionally replace the "Loot Destruction" Tech-Raider Collar (which looks like a Slave Collar) with Sunglasses or a non-visible item. This must be placed after/below all other AWOP Revs patches in the Load Order.


This mod requires AWOP v6.9 (or later) for all patches except Extra Gear; Extra Gear requires the Old World Blues DLC to also be installed, but does not require AWOP to be present.


Uninstall older versions before installing the current release.

Installing with a mod manager is recommended. For manual installs, click the "Download Manually" button to download the patch collection, unzip it, copy the desired .esp files into your game's DATA folder, and then activate. Either way, be sure to adjust Load Order appropriately as shown below.

Load Order Requirements:

Have this entire collection come after (below) *all* other AWOP mods and patches, without exception. Note that HELP IN GOODSPRINGS must be placed after/below YOU ARE STILL THE HERO, and the Loot Destruction item patch (LD) must be placed after/below all other AWOP Revs patches.

For example:

< other AWOP mods and patches >
AWOP Revs - You Are Still The Hero.esp
AWOP Revs - Help In Goodsprings.esp
AWOP Revs - Scaled Goodsprings Fight.esp
AWOP Revs - Extra Gear.esp
AWOP Revs - LD Eyewear.esp

Updating Older Versions:

Uninstall older versions of this mod before installing the current version.

Known Problems:

There are no known problems at this time.


Send me approval requests for any potential reuse of these patches.


A multitude of kudos to David LeMaistre (djmystro) for the creation of such an enjoyable mod, as well as to all of the many people whom he acknowledges as contributors. Many thanks also for making AWOP's content available for use by other modders.

Screenshot Credits:

Hat (Brown Ranger Hat): Courier Merc Armor by Neverclock
-- https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38838/?
Outfit (Wasteland Courier Armor): Wasteland Courier by Neverclock
-- https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37201/?
Shades (Rayban Aviators Purple Tint): Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing by Nivea
-- https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44476/?
Gun (Whatzit): AG Supplementary Uniques by ApocalypticGirl
-- https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40000/?
Body (The Goth Girl): Mojave Delight for Type3 by Glosshouse
-- https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44312/?

Change Log:

v6.0 - Updated for AWOP Interim Fixes v6.0.5
v5.0 - Updated for AWOP v6.9 compatibility.
v4.0 - Updated for AWOP v6.0 compatibility.
v3.4 - Updated to include support for Fallout Character Overhaul v3.
v3.3 - Optionally replace the "Loot Destruction" Tech-Raider Collar; tweaked SCALED GOODSPRINGS FIGHT to be a bit less difficult.
v3.2 - Updated for AWOP v5.4 compatibility.
v3.1 - Goodsprings Powder Gangers marked as Persistent Reference; reverted Goodsprings Powder Gangers to have "vanilla" appearance (instead of MMUE's), removed the EVE compatibility patch since AWOP now has its own.
v3.0 - Removed the Core Fixes patch since it is now integrated into mainline AWOP v5.2.
v2.1 - Fixed completion, dialogs, and healing for the "X13" quest and added quest log tracking, plus additional "For the Underground" quest fixes (especially if you start an assault without the quest).
v2.0 - Merged various fixes into CORE FIXES, which includes (and hence replaces) the older QUEST FIXES and TOUGHEST GOODSPRINGS FIGHT; Companion Wheels; EVE support; extra Gear, Skulker starter box option, FOMOD compatibility.
v1.1f - Fixed several more quest problems, plus some dialog bugs. Masseling can now be hired and fired, and Mlix can be fired.
v1.1e - Added optional QUEST FIXES which remedies various quest related problems.
v1.1d - AWOP'ified the protections on the Night Vision Goggles.
v1.1c - Fixed vision effect naming for the goggles.
v1.1b - Added optional VISION ENHANCEMENTS: Low-Light Goggles and Night Vision Goggles.
v1.1a - Added TOUGHEST GOODSPRINGS FIGHT, an AWOP bug fix patch; it restores missing script references that could otherwise prevent "A Ghost Town Gunfight" from completing successfully.
v1.1 - Restored missing script references that could otherwise prevent "A Ghost Town Gunfight" from completing successfully. That was a bug in the original main AWOP mod, and a fix has now been integrated into SCALED GOODSPRINGS FIGHT and ORIGINAL GOODSPRINGS FIGHT.
v1 - Initial Release.

Recommended Mods:

Brynn by Athelbras
A friend to take along when travelling the wastelands.

Man's Best Friend - A man's best friend is not necessarily a dog.
A full-featured Deathclaw companion mod by Athelbras

Buddy Bot - "Buddies Are Forever - or until one rusts away"
A full-feature Securitron companion by Athelbras

Nightskulker Gear - Equipment for those who go stealthily into the night
The very best in Night Vision technology and Silenced Energy Weaponry by Athelbras

Goodsprings Tented Campsite by Athelbras
A secluded tented campsite near Goodsprings for the Player and Companions.

Passive Startup Messages (no DLC button clicking) by Athelbras
Passively displays DLC and Equipment Pack messages when starting a new game so that button clicking is not needed.

Going into and out of places (like buildings or underground) is the most memory intensive part of the game, because the game does not do a good job of unloading the current location data before loading the next. So that is when memory usage peaks, and it is the most likely time for an out-of-memory crash. It is very common for players to experience crashes during "transitions", and often it is because they have too many mods installed and/or use high resolution textures, etc. AWOP, because of its added content, can increase that risk. However, here is a list of recommendations that can significantly reduce the likelihood of such crashes during game play.

4GB Fallout New Vegas Updated - a special launcher that lets the game use 4 GB (instead of 2 GB) for 64-bit Windows:

NVAC New Vegas Anti Crash - an NVSE plug-in that handles certain types of errors that could otherwise cause a crash: