About this mod
Overhauls the entire NCR faction to become the Galactic Empire.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
This mod requires Mojave Stormtroopers - Imperial Armory, which can be found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55383/?
Otherwise every armor and weapon the troops use are going to be an error.
You are also required to begin a new game before starting.
This mod does not replace any NCR armors. It adds new armors and leveled lists, and only overwrites NPCs' inventories and names. This means, if your current save game shows NCR troopers in NCR armor, that's how they will be after you install and play. This is due to the fact that NPCs' inventories don't respawn until they respawn or unless you go throughout the wasteland respawning every individual NCR trooper manually. Starting a new game fixes this issue by 'refreshing' every NPC's inventory.
If you failed to read this and complain about it in the comments, I'm just going to delete every comment you make in reference to it.
Oh, and, it's obvious that this mod isn't lore-friendly. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out, so please don't bring it up, it's unnecessary. It's tagged 'not lore friendly' for a reason.
Now, onto the mod.
What does this mod do?
All NCR troopers in the game have been replaced with Stormtroopers and alike. All changes listed below:
-NCR Trooper is now Imperial Stormtrooper
-NCR Ranger is now Imperial Army Trooper
-NCR Veteran Ranger is now Imperial ARC Trooper
-NCR Ranger Patrol is now Imperial Marine
-NCR Military Police are now Imperial Stormtrooper Military Police
-NCR Heavy Trooper is now Imperial Incinerator Trooper
-Hoover Dam engineers are now Imperial engineers
-Named NPCs have all been given appropriate name changes, while still maintaining their identity
-NCR faction re-named and pipboy icon changed
-NCR classes edited to include energy weapons skill in place of the guns skill
-Imperial Marines and ARC Troopers now hunt you when you are on bad terms with the Galactic Empire
-NCR Flag changed to Imperial Flag
-NCR propaganda posters replaced with Imperial propaganda posters
-Chief Hanlon and General Lee Oliver are now High Command units
-Ranger Ghost is now a shadow trooper, name changed to simply 'Ghost'
-Cass has been left unedited
-Probably more things I can't remember right now
Open the .rar in 7zip, WinRar, or any other archiving tool, and extract the 'data' folder to your Fallout New Vegas directory(the same folder that your falloutnv.exe is located). A window should come up asking whether you want to overwrite. Click 'yes to all'. Go into your Fallout NV Launcher, check off 'Stormtroopers - NCR Faction Replacer.esp', and run the game.
To uninstall, check the mod off in your list again, and delete your 'textures/clutter/flags' and 'textures/clutter/signnv' folders.
I haven't gone through the game and looked through every corner of the map to make sure that every single NCR trooper NPC has been correctly edited. I would highly encourage users to report ALL bugs they find within the mod as soon as they find them, in order to get the mod fixed sooner than later.
This mod was done due to many requests from different users. I've also had users request a replacement for Caesar's Legion. I might do that, but it took me six hours to simply edit the inventories and names of all the NCR Troopers. Another four hours to go in the game and find out which specific named NPCs were still NCR, edit them, and then add in the rest of the crap that I did. People who have never modded do not even know the definition of 'tedious' and 'unnecessary' until they've attempted something like this.
Ghogiel - Original stormtrooper/E-11 models and textures
Mak - Extra blaster weapons
Myself - All custom textures, a couple of custom models
NifSkope - Primary modelling tool
GIMP - Primary texturing tool. Aside from the GECK, most of my time is spent in GIMP.
Obsidian/Bethesda - GECK Modding tools, Fallout NV. Thankyou, Obsidian, for making almost every NCR trooper in the game suffer from severe pin-head syndrome.