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About this mod

New Deadly Bosses, scattered across the Mojave. This year's Annual Mojave Hunting Season has been opened by the NCR Wildlife Corps. Get your shots in quick before time's up!!!

Permissions and credits
Second Installment in TGMH Series:

[size=10]7 New Deadly Bosses, scattered across the Mojave. This year's Annual Mojave Hunting Season has been opened by the NCR Wildlife Corps. Get your shots in quick before time's up!!![/size]

Down in the Mojave Outpost bar is a drop box with one last flier in it. You stumble upon it and discover that there's a list at the bottom of Notorious monsters advised to be left alone unless either: A. Insane B. Backed by a Battalion C. Ready to be torn to shreds then eaten or D. the Lone Courier

+ General locations are given for each target just as a real hunting report would.
+ Each target has a huge number of caps on it, so this will help you financially.
+ Careful!!! These will take a while to kill even with a Fatman on Godmode.

[size=8](Expected 4/22/14) -New Mod Sequel: The Great Mojave Hunt - Ethical Killer
= Update will have: Actual Quest
= Dialogue
= Dungeons and hideouts
= Obviously, more targets
= Sissy, Normal, and Chuck Norris versions for different leveled players