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  1. Shionsteel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    First off good idea to the modder - I usually just skip this perk.
    The +5% movement bonus makes sense, all that crawling around locations just makes you more efficient at moving around.

    To add another option to this post:
    The +DT sort of seems out of place. Perhaps another option would be to add like say a small bonus to environmental like damage as you got tougher just walking through areas that contain these risks or know instinctively how to avoid them - radiation (it's all over), poison (strange gases and the like), fire (being out in the sun all the time you can take the heat, might be reaching on this one) like +10% in addition to the move bonus would be enough to get me to still consider it as a strong perk choice (with DT as is, it is probably a no brainer - I would definitely take it as just too good to pass).
  2. Tang3rine
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Hello , I have a suggestion about the Explorer perk I want to share.I believe it would make more sense if the perk actually provided bonuses when you were outdoors exploring the world ( in a similar matter to what claustophobia does ) and as for the acutal benefit I would suggest endurance / agility / perception bonus instead of DT.

    Another idea, more complicated to script, would be to grant bonuses progressively as the player discovers new locations ( map markers ) , it would be the most realistic version since that's what exploring is all about.
    1. Dudeman325
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      Both interesting ideas. I'm horrible at scripting, however, so your second idea is beyond my capabilties. The first I might be able to do by copying a few things from other perks that give a bonus while outdoors... but I haven't had much time for gaming at all lately. I might be able to do something like that in a while, stay tuned.
  3. darklink941
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Hey this is a nice way to rework the perk!
    Explorer always felt kinda cheaty and like a waste of a perk slot to me.
    Next time I play I'll definitely have to pick this one up.
  4. Dudeman325
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    It's interesting to see that the ratio between Locations and No Locations users is about even... Could be fun to keep track of that long-term.
    1. BumNanner
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      Hm, that IS interesting.
    2. nathanj
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Probably has to do with fast travel. I don't fast travel so having the locations discovered is meaningless to me which is why I find this mod very useful now.The only thing I see is that it is better than the Toughness perk which only gives 3 DT per level. If you are only going to pick one perk for DT (I can't speak for anyone else but sometimes I only pick one) then this one will win by default. Perhaps instead of 4 DT make it 2 DT and up the speed bonus a bit.
    3. Dudeman325
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      Eh, I don't really see myself changing the +DT. I don't mind that this perk is flat-out better than another, as there's 14 levels between when each are available. I'll keep that in mind if ever do get the desire to tweak things, though. Thanks.

      Edit: Also, I just wanted to note that unlocking locations with the perk does not allow fast travel to them until you discover them. It just marks them on your map.
    4. nathanj
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Oh OK. I forgot that it was a level 30 perk so it makes sense that it would be better.

      I wasn't aware that it didn't allow fast travel. I just never bothered with it because it clutters up the screen with lots of points and I only go to certain ones depending on which type of character I have. Not that it gives DT and speed boost its much more useful
    5. jvanderr
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Ya, the idea behind the +4 DT bonus is that it's a higher level perk than Toughness and thus should warrant more power. Also, as your character gets closer to the level cap (standard lvl 50 with all DLC), I believe it's important for your high level perk choices to be powerful options, so choosing which one to go with is a harder choice. This becomes more pronounced if you play with the mod that makes it so you only get a perk every 3 levels. Leading to tougher choices: do I take toughness's +3 DT now (maybe even a second rank for a total of +6), or should I tough it out without toughness for 14 levels and wait till Explorer?

      I like the speed bonus at 5%, though it's not a huge bonus, it's the only speed bonus from perks that isn't associated with an armor type.

      All-in-all I think this is fairly well balanced for a Level 20 Perk

      EDIT: If enough people feel like the DT bonus is too powerful (DT stacking can seem to get out of hand sometimes depending on the mods you run), maybe switching the bonus to DR, Damage Resistance might be a solution. Though personally I like it the way it is.
  5. jvanderr
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Thanks Dudeman!
    1. Dudeman325
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
  6. BumNanner
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    Ah, now I'll actually have a reason to grab the explorer perk. Thanks!
    1. Dudeman325
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      Glad you like it, thank you for checking it out!