Fallout New Vegas

About this mod

Adds a lore-friendly Fallout 1 inspired faction of smoothskin hunters to the Mojave to make your journey a whole lot worse.. (requires Dead Money, Old World Blues and Honest Hearts) NOT RECOMMENDED FOR LOW LEVEL COURIERS! ACTIVATE WITH CAUTION! (now features alternate theme - Greetings From New Reno)

Permissions and credits

“They aren’t motivated by their desire to roast you over a fire and gnaw the charred flesh from your bones, although they’ll do that anyway. The reason that they try to take their victims alive is so they can extract the organs quickly and efficiently without any risk of them becoming contaminated. They cut out whatever vital organs they need at the time and pop them into their own bodies, presumably they think that there’s some rejunvenative quality that’s going to cure them of their mutations or maybe they’re just replacing their own organs after they get damaged or wear out. We don’t know why they’re doing it. We do know that they’re succeeding in the completing the physical surgery though; our autopsies found them with varieties of organs of varying origins… the first signs our scouts had was noticing that one of their corpses had two different colored eyeballs and very fine stitching all over itself… not the kind of first aid job you’d expect the mutants to be capable of. The working theory is that they’ve gotten access to some advanced surgical auto-docs from one of the hospitals either at Ridgecrest or Delano, and that’s where we’re heading…”

“To wipe them out?”

“…to search the area and destroy any higher grade machines that we find. We don’t have the time to spend on a full scale extermination but without access to the auto-docs they’ll disappear soon enough… or move on to Bakersfield or… hell, they can wander off to die in the Mojave for all I care. They won’t be our problem anymore.”

partial transcript of a badly damaged Brotherhood Audio Log dated October 2nd 2165

Requires Dead Money, Old World Blues and Honest Hearts
credit to Reco22

Note: The first alternate theme "Greetings From New Reno" is attached as an optional file. Don't use both of them at once!