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About this mod

Cleanup your New Vegas Save file, remove all that unnecessary clutter that loads down your save game. Guaranteed to decrease loading times for the heavy players. :D

Permissions and credits
Welcome to the New Vegas Save Cleaner tool
Note: V 1.2 is in the works

This tool is designed to remove all REFR's from your save file in a click of a button
remove just one :)

The way the tool works, is: If a Reference is flagged as moved or Havok moved is deleted from the game including its data. this in turn, lets the game reset the item back to its default location, hence saving save file space.

(well actually the Player moved them, havok looks after them ^_^)

The tool is designed and coded to be 100% safe, but bare in mind im only Human ;).

this tool can easily clean-up the following, just to name a few:

Doors that are opened and you did not close them
cabinets/containers that where glitched out of position
UNLOADED references
Weapons laying around
apparel laying around
bottle caps laying around

These REFR's are not touched
Anything that is not flagged as moved

Known Issue:

the tool goes though your save file and deletes these references and then the game resets them to there default location, hence no need to save anything to your save file

You can manually search for an item if you know your FORMID
this is a static reference:
001176AA etc
this is a dynamic reference:
FF1176AA etc

The tool knows the difference :D, so just enter the FORM ID as you see it :D

You will be surprised just how many references are loafing your save file down.

Running on my 60Hr save file the tool found 16600+ references
the tool cleaned up these references and viola my savefile size dropped from 6MB to 5MB

Your quests progress and other save data is not touched. This is purely for the References in game.

How to use the tool:
Remember a backup is always necessary ^_^

1. load up your save game of New Vegas
2. open the console using the ~ key on your keyboard
3. type in the following
save mysave 1
4. wait a few minutes while the dump is generating the "mysave.ess.txt" AND "mysave.ess"
5. load up New Vegas Save Cleaner
6. click fix all REFR's and then select "mysave.ess.txt" AND "mysave.ess" in your New Vegas saves folder
7. the tool will take approx 30 sec searching for the REFRs' to remove
8. the tool will take approx 1min removing the found REFR's
9. once finished load "mysave.ess" in New Vegas again
10 play ^_^

If you have suggestions for improvements or if you have found a bug, email seifer69er [email protected]

Prerequist software for windows
1. download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
2. download Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer)

Note: the tool is in english, but works on all language save files ^_^

If you are happy with this release, please support the devs to continue their work in the scene.
Remember to include your thumbs up on this release ^_^

Check out all of my other Releases:

SKYRIM Remove Journal Bounty Quests

SKYRIM Quest Deleter

SKYRIM Save Cleaner

New Vegas Save Cleaner

New Vegas New Game Plus

Fallout 3 Save Cleaner