File information

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About this mod

This mod adds a up-gradable .44 Desert Eagle VII to the game world. The pistol can be upgraded with Extended Mags. and a flashlight. The Desert Eagle is zeroed in for NV\'s true sights setting. Optional Colouring and Grip Texture Replacers Included.

Permissions and credits
Important Note: this is a re upload of the mod I uploaded in 2010. Unsure what happened to it, one day I logged on to check how nexus was doing and it had vanished, no message no log no nothing, so here it is again :) Make sure to check credits for entire list of contributors.

Great video showing this weapon by CaptainShack (checkout his channel!)


Textures size is 2048x2048


Fallout NV

Description -

This mod adds a upgradable .44 Desert Eagle VII to the game world.
The pistol can be upgraded with Extended Mags. and a flashlight.
The Desert Eagle is zeroed in for NV's true sights setting.
Optional Colouring and Grip Texture Replacers Included.

New optional 50AE version added, requires main file! replace main file's esp with either the added recoil or unchanged recoil version.
requires caliberX:
This esp keeps the .44 version which can be bought from the gun runners but also adds another 50AE version to a box in Jeans Sky Diving:
(image of location can be found in the mods image section)
This is thanks to Aynien who generously made this esp, please consider giving her kudos if you use this optional file! [/size]

Location in game -

The pistol and weapon mods can be purchased from "Gunrunners" store
outside of freeside.


Extract the files to a temporary location.
Copy files from the data folder to (install folder)\Fallout New Vegas\Data\
Place a checkmark beside the .esp file.


silver gun texture overwrites gold: copy paste contents of the optional silver texture folder into \Fallout New Vegas\Data\

if you want the suicide queen grip, select the silver or gold version and then
copy contents of optional grip folder to \Fallout New Vegas\Data\

Un-installing the mod

Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.

Known Issues or Bugs -

None that I know of, but im sure people will find something.

Comment to let me know of any bugs.
Credits and dues -

Twinke Masta, Vashts1985, Racer445, - Original Model and Textures (from CSS)

jackpack - for the Flash Light from his Weapons upgrade Pack
DarkFireGaming - For his weapon sound pack
DREADWOLF - porting the desert eagle to NV, GECK /ESP work and tweaks/fixes.
Ryz866- texture edits/colouring/minor tweaks/compile. Custom grips and silver version.
Aynien - for creating the .50AE esp version and added recoil KUDOS! :)

Legal Stuff -

Do what you will with contents of this
archive as long as you give credit to the authors of the content you
used.(everyone above)