About this mod

ENB settings based on real lighting. NIGHTVISION COMPATIBLE. Created to enhance ingame graphics and provide more immersive gameplay. With color correction, enhanced shadows, Detailed Shadows, SSAO, Bokeh Depth of Field, Sun rays and Bloom effect.

Permissions and credits
  • English

First ENB preset compatible with Nightvision & Thermal vision, Cateye and other IMOD effects!

Always want to feel like Sam Fisher, or maybe like Solid Snake, with all those night operations and tactical approaches, but nightvision goggles and other tactical gadgets don't work with ENB presets, and you can't play with bad graphics? Problem solved! Blackout ENB is now compatible with IMOD and Nightvision!

July 25, 2014
Ok guys, I know you're waiting for an update for a long time already, but as you know - I'm currently busy with Project B42 and I can't work on ENB until the project release. I have a lot more knowledge now how things work in FNV, so when I'll be back to ENB tweaking - I will completely redesign Blackout to make it better, nicer, faster, and, very important, with lots of options and different "moods".
Sorry for making you wait.

ENBSeries v0.194 for Fallout New Vegas (DO NOT USE WITH ANTIALIASING)
ENBSeries v0.173 for Fallout New Vegas (For antialiasing)
FNV Project Reality MkI by JJC71
Nevada Skies - Weather Effects BETA 0-6-3 version by Yoss

Blackout pack for ENBseries v0.194 includes:

Blackout presets for Project Reality users:
  • Baseline - 3 classic presets, balanced #1, darker #2, and realistic #3, each one comes with 4 optional settings, like dark nights, bright nights, etc.
  • IMOD friendly - Now this is what you're looking for, presets with Nightvision compatibility. Blackout Evolution ENB - baseline, just like previous, but with nightvision. Three optional presets. And R_Evolution ENB - new and very different, but pretty good ENB preset, also compatible with IMODs, comes in 2 optional presets - basic and low saturation.

Blackout presets for Nevada Skies users:
  • Baseline - Good old Nevada Skies classic preset. Only one preset.
  • IMOD friendly - And nightvision version. Also only one preset.

Blackout presets for Vanilla users:
  • Baseline - for hardcore vanilla atmosphere. Comes without nightvision compatibility due to limitations and low popularity of Vanilla game ;)

Blackout pack for ENBseries v0.173 includes same presets, but for those users who want to use forced antialiasing (details down below)

All presets comes with turned off Depth of Field effect to prevent FPS hit for those who don't have powerful rigs (but you can open ENB Graphic interface ingame by pressing Shift+Enter and turn all effects you want on and off).

Edge Antialiasing is also turned off, because of included SMAA injector, which looks much better. But you can turn EdgeAA if you want. It's all up to you.

SMAA injector is now located in separate folder to reduce the weight of archives. Just copy and paste SMAA files into your Fallout folder (ENB presets are already set up to use it)

Video of R_Evolution ENB preset

After many requests i've decide release my personal ENB settings.
It's custom ENB settings based on real lighting. High quality SSAO, Bokeh Depth of field, Bloom and anamorphic lens effect with enhanced in-game shadows, color correction and eye adaptation.
I created it to be as similar as possible to the reality.. or at least to the Battlefield BC2/3 =) Dark nights, realistic sunlight, realistic colors, land and environment shading. Constantly searching for similarities of my ingame graphics with photos of Nevada. When I saw that a good similarity in colors was achieved - I calmed down)

I'm not a coder so there can be bugs that i have missed or can't fix them. If you find some of them - let me know and i'll try to fix it.


  • Extract the files to a temporary location.
  • Download the ENB 0.194 for Fallout New Vegas here (look for black download arrow on the bottom of the page)
  • Extract d3d9.dll from the enbseries_falloutnv_v0194.zip to your Fallout New Vegas folder.
  • Choose a preset that fits your taste.
  • ?opy all files from the selected preset folder to your Fallout New Vegas folder.
  • Make sure you have HDR enabled, anisotropic filtering off, in-game and/or driver-based anti-aliasing off.
  • Run the game. And I hope you'll enjoy it!
  • If you have any problems - carefully read "Troubleshooting and quick FAQ" section.
  • If you have some poblems with installation - watch this video
  • It's made for Skyrim, but it works for fallout too.

Here's a video tutorial how to make ENB work properly and fix weapon/hands transparency bug!
Also i'm including quick shaderpackage fix here:

"in your ini files find bAllow30Shaders=0 and it set to 1, this option will allow (but not force) the use of Shader Model 3.0. This can potentially improve performance when using HDR rendering and will make your ENB mod works properly. You will also need to check your RenderInfo.txt file, found under the same directory as your .ini files, and near the bottom the file check which shader package it uses (e.g. Shader Package : 13). Then go to the \\Fallout New Vegas\Data\Shaders\ folder and rename that particular package to something else (e.g. rename shaderpackage013.sdp to shaderpackage013._bak. Now copy shaderpackage017.sdp and paste it back into the same directory, and rename this new copy to the package name your card uses (e.g. rename it to shaderpackage013.sdp in this example). This will supposedly force Fallout New Vegas to use the Shader Model 3.0 shaders in the game and will allow you to use transparency fix"

If you'll not read the description carefully - i will not provide any support for you.

Feel free to upload your screenshots

Users of Nvidia can force SSAO via nvidia inspector. There is two ways to enable it. First from tapioks here
Second from some dude on youtube

Antialiasing workaround from Roxahris. For Nvidia users. Works ONLY FOR v0.173 ENBseries and older! Do not use this workaround with v0.194 or higher!

If you have an nvidia card, you can force MSAA and transparency AA through playing with compatibility flags in nvidia Inspector. However, it can murder your framerate depending on the settings you use. The amount the framerate is affected is reliant on both the AA setting and the flags - some flags work better than others, so if you have tons of free time you could try searching for a flag with less performance impact/higher quality. At least it'll work, though, right?

Download nvidia Inspector, and...
1) Import one of included in archive .nip files through the "import user defined profile" button on the toolbar - it's the one with the arrow pointing at a box.
2) Or copy one of the included in archive images, with changes as you see fit - in other words, paste 0x00400041 into the field for Antialiasing Compatibility, change the behavior flag setting to "None", the mode to Override, and the AA setting to whatever you want. Note that transparency AA murders your framerate and doesn't work well.

Now, remember - this is a hackish workaround! It's not guaranteed to work. It does work here, though.
It's fps killer so be carefull. And I don't recommend to use this AA if you have lags with ENB.

Troubleshooting and quick FAQ

Weapon/hands transparency and flickering
It's caused by SSAO, because of fallout engine. And it can't be fixed in any way by enb developer or me. But there is a workaround:
In your ini files find bAllow30Shaders=0 and it set to 1, this option will allow the use of Shader Model 3.0. It will make your ENB mod works properly. You will also need to check your RenderInfo.txt file, found under the same directory as your .ini files, and near the bottom the file check which shader package it uses (e.g. Shader Package : 13). Then go to the \\Fallout New Vegas\Data\Shaders\ folder and rename that particular package to something else (e.g. rename shaderpackage013.sdp to shaderpackage013._bak. Now copy shaderpackage017.sdp and paste it back into the same directory, and rename this new copy to the package name your card uses (e.g. rename it to shaderpackage013.sdp in this example). This will supposedly force Fallout New Vegas to use the Shader Model 3.0 shaders in the game and will allow you to use transparency fix mods (step by step video tutorial):
Install ENB First Person Transparency Fix by Omegared99. Now it should fix transparency. If not - try install "py Depth of Field" and enable subtle DOF. If even this mod don't fix it - try imaginator, or DYNAVISION 2. Or install NVEC and use it's own DoF like i do to fix it a bit. Here is little discussion on enbdev forum. May be helpful and definitely will explain some things.
So everybody who is looking for fix from me - i'm sorry. Try various Depth of field mods. But i can't fix it, i'm not enough fallout developer and don't work in obsidian =))

"Blue Orb" bug, flashing lights with blackening of image.
This is wrong specular settings of some meshes in mods and/or vanilla. It must be fixet manually via nifscope.

Black screen with hud
Make sure you have delete all files of your previous ENB settings (e.g. effect.ini - Blackout don't have this file)

White screen
You have antialiasing enabled. Disable it in launcher. If bug still appear - you have antialiasing set to on in your drivers. Set it to off/application controlled

Crash to desktop or whenever I try to start a save, it crashes and says Fallout new Vegas has stopped responding.
First thing first - delete RendererInfo.txt in %username%\Documents\My games\FalloutNV
Reboot your pc. Just for sure. Sometimes it helps =) If crashes are still here - uninstall Blackout ENB and try original enb settings from enbdev.com
If original enb didn't cause crashes - let me know in comment section.

ENB is not working
Make sure you have d3d9.dll in your Fallout New Vegas folder. Not in data folder.

Overbrihgt screen
Make sure you have installed Project Reality and Blackout for Project reality, or Nevada skies 0-6 with Blackout for Nevada skies. And don't forget - don't use Blackout for Project reality with Nevada skies, and Blackout for nevada skies with project reality.

Too dark nights
Use bright nights preset.

Console color change, flashes when opening pipboy.
It's not critical and it's not a bug. It's caused by switching daytime settings of enb to nighttime settings. Don't know why this happens.

If you have huge fps hit - use performance packs of Blackout.
Also try set in "injector.ini" (in Fallout New Vegas folder):
It will help with performance and boost your fps.

Also in enbseries.ini try change this:
Quality=1 (or 2 for even better performance but worst quality)

If you are user of Blackout with Project Reality - make sure you have set to off Project Reality's Depth of field. It's fps killer.

Blue lights
If you don't like bluish lights and anamorphic flares like in battlefield game series - use preset without anamorphic flares. It's called just "dark nights" or "Bright nights"

Incompatibility mods
It's incompatible with some functions of director's chair, e.g. cinematech. Because it overlays enb.

Strange powerful daylight in interiors
It's problem of interior lighting template. I don't saw it in vanilla yet (i'm using interior lighting overhaul mod), but in mods - yes. It's because of interiors lighting template is set to daytime (default is nighttime). You can fix it manually via GECK or ask author of mod to fix it.

Dusk and Dawn overbright
In Nevada skies preset of Blackout. It's unfixable at the moment. If i'll try fix it - nights will be pitch black because of too dark original Nevada Skies nights. Will fix it later by creating .esp file with brighter nights for Nskies.

Hair color sometimes changes if under powerful light source.
It's not a critical and it appears very rarely. Not a problem of enb, or mods. It's just lighting settings of hair meshes. I think it can be fixed manually, but don't know how. Fixing it via enb settings is impossible. If i will try - i will break other settings of enb.

Water bugs
Make sure you have Water Displacement set to off in your game launcher.

If you click "PLAY" on the FNV Launcher, it closes the window and then starts the launcher again
try change in enbseries.ini parameter ForceNVidiaCard=false to ForceNVidiaCard=true
If it doesn't help - try use injector version of enb instead of wrapper (read original manual in archives of enb or at oficial site enbdev.com)

See sun trough objects
Sometimes this bug happens, with almost all enb presets for fallout, i don't know why. Try reinstall Blackout (make full uninstall of preset first), delete your RendererInfo.txt, and if it't still not work - delete your ini files (with backup) and give the game reconfigure itself.

See trough objects
Make sure you have TransparencyMultisampling set to 0 in your ini files

Yellow - blue - othercolors solid screen
check settings in your AMD Vision Control Center, maybe you have Antialiasing enabled.

If you have stange black sky at day:
In your ini files find bAllow30Shaders=0 and it set to 1, this option will allow the use of Shader Model 3.0. It will make your ENB mod works properly. You will also need to check your RenderInfo.txt file, found under the same directory as your .ini files, and near the bottom the file check which shader package it uses (e.g. Shader Package : 13). Then go to the \\Fallout New Vegas\Data\Shaders\ folder and rename that particular package to something else (e.g. rename shaderpackage013.sdp to shaderpackage013._bak. Now copy shaderpackage017.sdp and paste it back into the same directory, and rename this new copy to the package name your card uses (e.g. rename it to shaderpackage013.sdp in this example). This will supposedly force Fallout New Vegas to use the Shader Model 3.0 shaders in the game and it will also allow you to use transparency fix mods (step by step video tutorial).

Night Vision and other overlay effects don't work
Use preset from Blackout R_Evolution, it's compatible with Nightvision. Old Blackout presets and other ENB presets have set off original fallout IMOD (imagespace modifier) to provide colorcorrection. Every effect that is built on IMODs - will not work (nightvisions, thermal visions, etc). If you don't like it - you can turn off enb ingame by pressing Shift+f12 and play with nightvision. Then press shift+f12 again to turn enb on.

ATI users - 0.150 version oficially support AMD, but after many tests it's not really true. So if you have some problems - use injector version of enb instead of wrapper. Or you can try change in enbseries.ini parameter ForceNVidiaCard=false to ForceNVidiaCard=true

One very important thing - i can't give 24/7 support. I wish but i just can't. needtosleep and other reallifethingstodo. So please, read installation and tips in description carefully, see comments written earlier. Don't find a solution of your problem? I don't answer for a long time? There are some links - one on http://enbdev.com/ (site and forum of Boris Vorontsov, developer of enb) and second - "for a more thorough and complete explanation of using ENBSeries for Fallout, please visit here http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18107" (TheRadik about Midhrastic ENB)

ALL PRESETS have optimized versions with almost zero fps hit (lowered quality of ssao and ssil, bloom and DoF), so don't worry, your rigs will run it nicely

Thanks to Sharpshooter8 for all help and feedback. Man u'r great. I hope we will make some presets in future too)
Thanks to EatYeFigs for helping me with betatesting Nevada Skies preset
All who inspired me to work, to people who impressed me by their works (e.g. Sharpshooter8, Matso, Gionight, Tapioks and many many other), to everybody who gives me a feedback and motivate me to keep on working on this enb presets - HUGE thanx))
And also.. sorry for my english =)

Old but still actual presets showcase

all pics clickable
#1 Nice ambient lighting with not too bright sunlight and without land shading. Realistic at 60%

#2 For a bit darker settings, with ambient and low bright sunlight (so u can make nice screenshots of your chars without losing face details). Realistic at 35% maybe =)

#3 Most complex settings. Bright sun, land shadows, low ambient ftw. No facial screenshots under sunlight. Realistic at 80% and more than =)

Video by creator of awesome "Sharpshooters Extreme Graphics Vision ENB" and "A Realistic Hope ENB" presets for Skyrim, Sharpshooter8 has made amazing video of Blackout preset installed on Fallout 3! Huge thanks to him! Don't forget to go on youtube and like his vid)[/b]

Video by Hodilton

More videos of #3 preset. Interiors and nights

Have a nice day)

About armors and weapons in screenshots. IIt's not from nexus. Weapon - M4a1 RIS. Face and armor from mw3 + some custom parts. Its on underground modding site, so u need to google. No links, sorry.
But you can find on nexus much better armors and weapons, or u can make it by yourself in nifskope matching and mixing various parts from all this mods like i do.

File credits
Boris Vorontsov - ENBseries
Matso - depth of field and bloom with anamorphic lens
Andrej Dudenhefner - SMAA Injector
sung9533 - ssao settings and folder order