About this mod
3rd-Person-Camera-FIX - See your Game-Character completely by default ! This is a simple - but for 3rd-person-players maybe relevant - change of the Camera-position in 3rd-person-view;
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See your Game-Character completely by default !
This is a simple - but for 3rd-person-players maybe relevant - change of the Camera-position in 3rd-person-view;
well, this is nothing worldshaking ... but maybe usefull;
While in FO3 u can freely choose the distance of ur camera behind ur game-character, the original Camera-position in NV is imo too close behind the right shoulder of your game-char - there are no legs or boots to see usually;
of course you can zoom out a little bit, if u wanna see her/his complete body, but after releasing the button, the perspective slips back - some kinda 'Rubber-banding-effect'... and i hated that!
This little mod now positions the camera a little more behind ur char by default, and it also disables the 'back-slip'-effect;
further u can zoom out more behind her/him;
... just as i said - not worldshaking, but maybe usefull;
copy the esp in ur FONV's data-folder, tick it in ur launcher (FOMM) and enjoy;
humannature66 - 10/01/2011
greetz freddo