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About this mod

Holographic PipBoy texture in various colors.

Permissions and credits
Version 1.0 - 2011 august 03.

The HoloPipBoy 4000 is a texture sets for the default Pip-Boy 3000, it dont change/adds function, just the color. The texture is DOUBLE than normal (2048 instead 1024). You can choose the hologram color from the installer.

Colors that match the actual PipBoy screen:

Also there are 3 "fancy" colors:
Extra - Purple
Extra - Red
Extra - Rainbow

The HoloPipBoy 4000 is a very-ultra-high advanced piece of technology from a far future beyond. Is very small, but with the use of solid light, force fields, cohered photon infusers and smart uses of variances in the multidimentional subspace tube, can do LITERALLY anything.
There is only a problem: is broken.
Is locked on a "old" PipBoy 3000 simulation and there is no way to restore his original function. But... well, as PipBoy 3000 is working good.

This mod REQUIRES Fallout Mod Manager to be properly installed. Simply drop the files on Data folder of Fallout New Vegas dont work!

1.) Unzip the anywhere on your computer.
2.) Open FOMM
3.) Click Package Manager
4.) Click Add New
5.) Select the MannaroTP_HoloPipBoy4000.fomod file you extracted
6.) You will be prompted if you want to make a copy or not (this is up to you)
7.) Highlight MannaroTP_HoloPipBoy4000.fomod in the list
8.) Click Activate
9.) Select the hologram color you would like to install
10.) Click Install

There is a .esp file that modify PipBoy behaviour, now he will use only a single texture for all languages and set a new PipBoy nif model folder, as is a slight modified (not geometry but textures data). The meshes and textures are under MannaroThePatient folder under data\meshes and data\textures.

This mod dont have any special requirement but works ONLY with the default PipBoy 3000.
Should be no problems on load order, place it where you like.

[size="4"]RECOMMENDED MODS:[/size]
Shiloh DS - Clean Pipboy Screen (scanlines on holograms are bad!)
Pipboy Glove remover (really no use for that glove)

Q. Can you hide the PipBoy when not in use?
A. Short answer: No. Long answer: although I dont even know how to that, the hologram texture is nice to be seen anytime.
Q. Will you add more colors?
A. Very unlikely, I've tested a yellow and a pink color but was very close to amber and purple respectively.
Q. What about a Readius hologram?
A. Nah! The Readius is good as solid. Is a handheld device and a cool variant of the PipPoy, really dont want make it transparent.

[size="4"]KNOWN ISSUES:[/size]
* The glowing effect is not the same on every environment, sometimes glows more sometimes less. This is intended by the game graphic engine and cant be changed.
* On nightvision the glowing effect can be TOO bright! ...but sometimes is nice to see.
* On long sleeves suits the left forearm is missing. I found no workaround for this. If anyone is able to find a solution would be great.

[size="4"]CREDITS AND THANKS:[/size]
Xzax for give me the idea. He did a similar project here. Thanks man.
Shiloh DS for the installer FOMM script. I learn so much on studying his script and I created a modified version for this mod. ( I think i copied pieces of his readme as well... hope he dont get too upset ^^)

You can do ANYTING with this file. You can use it on your projects, include it in other mods, modify as you like, anything. Just give me a little credit.

[size="4"]LAST WORDS:[/size]
I'm not english and sometimes fail on grammar. Hope I didnt wrote funny things or, at least, I gave you a laugh.