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About this mod

GameCompanion - Fake Fullscreen Alt Tab Fix Gamma Contrast, Screenshots, Volume, Fixes, Stability and Performance, for many games.

Permissions and credits
This program is a tool for improving game performance and experience,
adding also nice features, look the facebook page for more info:

Some Features:
*Better Performance
*Less to none Game crashes
*Alt Tab Fix
*Borderless Fake Fullscreen
*Exclusive Virtual Fullscreen/Window
*Downsample/SuperSample AA
*Hotkeys for Sound, Gamma

Graphics purist will love the new Downsample option!

See it in action:

Added on 2.4:
*Virtual Fullscreen modes
*GPU accelerated Downsample/Supersample
(You can render the game bigger that your screen resolution to improve image quality)
*AlwaysOnTop option for FFMode
*Holding escape now release the mouse from any game
*Auto resolution change for low end systems
*New Installer

Known issues 2.4:
*Oblivion does not support multimedia controls, like sound hotkeys, use alt+tab or winkey (if activated) or hold escape, to release the mouse, make the sound changes, and click the game again
*VF Mode is bound to the primary display for FakeFullscreen, but VF Windows can be moved to another monitor (but not set to Virtual Fullscren, the game will come back to the primary display), FFMode can be used in any display.

Fixed 2.4:
*FFMode now is completely borderless
*Black bar at the bottom of some games
*Alt+Tab aero double tab fixed
*Ignore Real Fullscreem games
*Screenshot previews update in real time
*Reactivate Win key
*Gamma on exit is restored only if it was changed
*Mouse is only restored if it was hidden
*other small fixes and tweaks

New version 2.2 (11-Aug-2013)
v2.2 Fixes GC crash in some systems, small tweaks

New Version 2.1 (4-Aug-2013) Installer-GUI-a lot of fixes and new improvements,
I will be making a FAQ out of the questions I get.

*** This Tool improves performance and remove microstuttering in most cases ***
*FPS numbers can vary, use your senses to see the look and feel

Fake Fullscreen, Alt Tab Fix Gamma Contrast, Screenshots, Volume, Fixes, and more


Compatible with a lot of games, you can add you own

Options for different resolution needs, Downsample/Supersample AA (Mode +)
auto-change resolution for low end systems
Virtual Zoom for games in lower resolution that the desktop (Mode #)

Configurable shortcuts via GUI:

Lots of fixes for know issues/games, some of them configurable:

Find the program in the windows Tray Area:

FF MODE = Fake Fullscreen Mode Windowed
VF MODE = Exclusive Virtual Fullscreen (it allows to be windowed and fullscreen at will, realizable windows, also downsample/supersample, or zoom to fullscreen without changing resolution lower resolution games)
It looks exactly like fullscreen,
but is has all the advantages of windows and more.

FF MODE for almost any game
VF MODE for games that grab the mouse
Screenshots in FF MODE (fastest and perfect quality in png)
Gamma (Contrast Bright dimmed, etc) several presets
Volume and Mute controls
Several fixes (some optional)
Enable Win key in games that disable that key (optional)
Hotkey and a more settings in the new GUI
Mouse is auto-hide

What you gain in FF/VF MODE?
The possibility to do other stuff at the same time,
for example switch to a chat window and then continue gaming.

Run it and let it be.
Configure all games in windowed mode ------ important!.
and if it has resolution settings,
set it as your monitor/desktop resolution for FFMode
or set the desire resolution for VFModes

Recommended game settings:
Windowed is necessary always
vsync = off (there will be no tearing)
Windows Aero = on
*Aero prevent tearing and also is required for VF Modes (Downsample/Supersample AA/Zoom)
Frame limiting

Install / Unistall
* Double Click on the exe in the zip file
give access to Install/Uninstall the program
(the program does not require any unistallation,
you can just close and delete, or just don't use it)

Run the installer as a User and NOT as admin
*The user who owns the desktop,
if your user is also an admin that's fine
(just double click the set-up file)

The program installs itself in the %appdata% directory
Were the exe and ini are stored
And Shortcuts are added in the desktop and Programs in the Star Menu

*By default GameCompanion is set to run with windows,
you can change this from the Options tab

Screenshots directory is in My Documents
*Thins can be change to GC directory in the Options

This Program goes to the *Tray* area
near the windows clock
Is the Blue Icon

*Left click for the Configurations GUI

*Or secondary button for the Menu

Most Bethestda games have an ini file in My Games folder:

"C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini"
"C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\FalloutPrefs.ini"
"C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\FalloutPrefs.ini"
"C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini"

Modify these lines, for example:
bFull Screen=0
iSize W=1920
iSize H=1080

*Recommended software for Frame limiting and FPS display:
RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server Download v5.3.2
This sofware works for NVIDIA and ATI/AMD
If you already have them, you can also use Nvidia Inspector/RadeonPro (AMD)

You can learn the keyboard shortcuts in the Hotkeys tab in the GUI,
Double click the program icon in the Tray area

Quick FAQ.

You are the author of Fake Fullscreen mode Windowed Alt Tab Fix?
Yes, and this tool is intended to be the next step, if you want more, use this one.

Is this a loader?
No, is a resident program that has a minimum (almost zero) footprint in the system.

But I run the game using X and Y and changing Z it will work for me?
99% Yes!.

*some users can have games/setups unaffected by the mode, ask for help in the comments, I will be recollecting workarounds and making adjustments to the program to reach all users as possible.

You will be adding new features in the future?

It can give me Fake Fullscreen mode in almost every existent game?
Just set the game in windowed mode, using the same resolution as the desktop, and use the recommended settings.

Although my game no longer crashes, I still experience microshutering, what can I do?
There are several causes of mircoshutering, from drivers to visual mods and tools that hijack direct3d, try to have everything as clean as possible, also try a new driver if possible, reboot the system, etc, try to be methodical searching for the root cause, ask in the comments when you already have some testing information to share, I will make a video about microshutering soon.

Antivirus programs can false detect this as a generic/troyan, Is a false positive,
upload the original zip instaler to your antivirus company
requesting to be marked as false positive
Give also the url to the original place where you download the program
They will analyze it and sometimes reply
Even if they flag this as false positive in the next update,
they will eventually forget and delete the software again without warning,
be sure when you are convinced this is a legit software,
to add it to the trusted/exclusion list,
or set your Antivirus software to ask your permission to delete something.
A page of reference to know I'm not the only developer who has a big headache:

Virus total scan for this version, all clear:


This version is free to use.

*** Use at your own risk, I don't take any responsibility. ***
Be free to ask any doubts in the comments.