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About this mod

After having noticed most armors didn\'t have gloves, I decided to browse the Nexus for glove mods, but the ones I found were either lacking some gloves, or had bonuses in them. So I set myself to check which glove \"nifs\" I had avaliable and imported them to the game.

Permissions and credits
Name: Gloves Galore
Version: 1.1
Date: 7/16/2011
Category: Items, Objects and Clothes
Author(s): Yoshh

Honest Hearts and Dead Money are masters for both files included in the archive. I'm trying to fix that :P

esp files are now clean, have fun!

After having noticed most armors didn't have gloves, I decided to browse the Nexus for glove mods, but the ones I found were either lacking some gloves, or had bonuses in them.

So I set myself to check which glove "nifs" I had avaliable and imported them to the game. I also made them weightless and without any bonuses, since what I had in mind was purely aesthetic. You can also mix and match all of the gloves, as they're separated into Left and Right.
The gloves are using the weapon mod box as a world model (for now, at least.), so you can drop them where you want.

Only use one of the esps!

All of the gloves are inside a Vault-Tech briefcase in Doc Mitchell's house, though, I might be open to other suggestions, or including them in leveled lists.

List of gloves currently on the mod: (Armors that have the gloves attached to their models are not covered in this mod.)

Advanced Power Armor
Colonel Autumn
Elder Lyons
Enclave Officer
Enclave Power Armor
Lucas Simms
Metal Armor
Oasis Druid
Power Armor
Project Purity Doctor
Raider Armor (3 different kinds)
Ranger Armor
Stealth Suit
T-51 Power Armor
Vault Scientist
Vault Security
Wastelander (4 different kinds)
Wasteland Merchant
Wasteland Settler (3 different kinds)

1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to New Vegas Fold\Data\
4. Start FOMM, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file(s).

Delete the .esp file, and you're good to go.

Anything that changes Doc Mitchell's House interior cell is bound to be incompatible, I guess. If you notice any incompatibility, please post it on the comments section.

Known Issues or Bugs
The Enclave Officer's left hand glove clips through your pipboy. There's nothing I can do about it. Haven't tested with readius yet.

Some gloves may appear floating away from your wrist. There's nothing I can do about that either, since they weren't made for every armor. Just try using them with another armor if that happens :P

1.2, 2011/08/05 - Master list fixed. No longer needs DM and HH.
1.1, 2011/07/16 - Fixed a typo. Fixed Power Armor Righ Glove not showing up
1.0, 2011/07/16 - Initial release.

You can find me on the Nexus as 'Yoshh'

Thanks to falloutperson416 for helping me fixing the master list on the plugin.
Thanks to Obsidian for creating New Vegas.
Thanks to the Nexus websites for the a one-stop-shop resource for authors and players.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.

Tools Used
7-Zip -
FNVEdit -
Readme Generator -

You can do whatever you want with this mod but don't complain to me if it
doesn't work or your PC blows up.